I've recently been toying around with the idea of making games based on my favorite movies. I also felt that using my grape characters to avoid copyright infringement would probably be best and quicker for now. I decided to play with "Night of the Living Dead" first. I wanted made it black and white because that's how I remember it when I think back.
This is the first attempt a first area so far.
This is me trying to figure out what the items should look like. The heart was supposed to represent the characters fear in the game by becoming visible and beating fast.
I'm working on Max Slade vs. the Zombies again too. Sorry to those who may have been waiting. My life's a messy one.
Idk but I hope there is because my coding isn't the best. I'm busy most of the time but when times are slow the artwork part can be relaxing to me most of the time. I'm still piecing together the other parts at the last minute.
the very least you should use is a map editor engine so you can tile out a stage or two. those things are a pain to make from scratch. there is a good one here on tdc but i forget what it's called.
Thanks... but sadly it's a bad link. When I click to download it says:
Error. Page cannot be displayed. Please contact your service provider for more details. (19)
Originally Posted by Carnivorous id Thanks... but sadly it's a bad link. When I click to download it says:
Error. Page cannot be displayed. Please contact your service provider for more details. (19)
And you should check out Sketchy:s tutorial page.. propably from somewhere over here at the links or something (there is a zombie game engine, and other examples you need with a zombie game):