Originally Posted by Thiago Ladislau dos Santos Hi, is there anyone there?
I want to build a fight game project that has online play.
I need a Lacewing expert to work on the online function. I will pay for the service.
Please contact: thiagoladislaucasa@gmail.com
No one will do this bud sorry we are respectable game developers who work really hard and even if you pay we still would not also that is a very vague description if someone were willing to do it they would need a better theme and it would also takes us a very long time to include online play for fusion and high score and what not I recommend you get fusion 2.5 yourself there is a free version and get a grip and start learning and once you have reached that level make your own as you have envisioned! when making your game you can gladly ask help from us and we will be fine to guide you guys step by step and teach you the basics!