Posted By
Yai7 Peace & Love
Registered 28/01/2002
Points 3201
8th December, 2020 at 08/12/2020 00:52:48 -
Criminals in my area works without concerning about the police and offer their crude service to local citizens in an industrial area I am currently living on.
As far as I tried to inform the police authorities they have done nothing up to now in order to close a prostitution service that is opened in the same street I have rented my apartment.
Without knowing it first, I found out I have put myself in potential trouble, living next to a crime facility.
The place is opened and offers services even in times of Covid19 Plague so potential customers and service appliers may potential get infected with the desease.
The offer you can help me is downvoting their service on Google and give it a bad review.
You can contact me and I will refer you the links to the corrupt services if you are interested of helping me sabotaging them in a minor way.