Posted By
Cobain [Mk]
Registered 04/07/2003
Points 12
7th July, 2003 at 18:49:51 -
i need some help doing menus in mmf
i want to do a mune for a game but not whit buttons.
a menu like the menu of the game "ZOmbies Now"
now exactly but some like that if anyone knows how plz helpme
Game:Van Dussen and the chaos of Syboo [Demo]
1 level Complete
Registered 02/07/2002
Points 169
7th July, 2003 at 21:17:12 -
Are you looking for a title screen menu, rpg type menu, or a pause menu?
[ACT Workz]
[NeWKleaR Studios]
Cobain [Mk]
Registered 04/07/2003
Points 12
7th July, 2003 at 22:00:32 -
im looking for a title screen menu plz
Game:Van Dussen and the chaos of Syboo [Demo]
1 level Complete
Pete Nattress Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif
Registered 23/09/2002
Points 4811
8th July, 2003 at 05:59:33 -
not with buttons? i haven't played Zombies Now, but you'd probably want to do something along the lines of making an active object, then have the following event:
+ User clicks with left button on "Active"
- Next Level
to make the button change colour when you hover over it, you need to add a new animation to your object and add the events
+ Repeat while mouse pointer is over "Active"
- Change animation sequence to hover
+ NEGATE: Repeat while mouse pointer is over "Active"
- Change animation sequence to stopped
sorry if thats not what you wanted, but i haven't played ZN so i dont know what kind of menu it has.
RapidFlash Savior of the Universe
Registered 14/05/2002
Points 2712
8th July, 2003 at 09:53:46 -
Do you want a keyboard controlled title screen menu (e.g. pressing down puts you down a spot)? In that case, just move the y position of an object. Be sure to put in something that prevents it from dropping all the way down, if you are going to use this do something like-
Upon pressing "Down Arrow"
Value A=2 ---> Set y pos of arrow to y pos + number
Set value a=0
Every 00'20 ---> Set value a=2