Trev made a post about things ya hate, so I decided to be a bit of a maverick (hahabullshit) and make a post of the exact opposite.
What kind of things can't you live without, or make you feel great?
I spose my number one would probably have to be music. Love listening some good old rock tunes, or pulling out me guitar and playing a few nice familiar riffs. And it's always great when you hear a song you like on the radio, or on like MTV or a music channel like that. Makes me feel better, and almost wanna embaress meself by bursting into song.
How about youse?
Come and annoy me more at STOUT ANGER!!!
I had the idea of doing that too, but I realised I'd seem like a very hateful person if I could easily think of a list of 70 things I hate, and struggle to think of 15 that I love. Well anyway, here goes, in no order again...
1. Women and breasts and sex, etc
2. Most alcoholic drinks, especially Guinness
3. The satisfaction of coming up with something that makes a difference
4. Horror fiction
5. People not afraid to admit when they're wrong
6. Good music, bands with talent
7. General politeness makes things easier
8. Achievement
9. Good comedy, or anything that makes me laugh
10. Good friends, which are hard to come by usually
11. Meat
12. A good night's sleep
13. A good night out
14. Retro cartoons
15. When things go right
1. Meat (like Trev).
2. Clicking (klikking, klicking, clikking).
3. Sport (except netball, basketball etc).
4. Programmes on telly which can be funny without swearing inanely (Malcolm in the Middle, Porridge).
5. Red Hot Chilli Peppers (the band, you fool).
6. No nonsense people in power (like Rudolph Guliani).
7. Theme Parks.
8. Composing Music.
9. Good food (i.e not done in microwave).
10. Sleeping the whole night and waking up refreshed.
1. Dark Chocolate
2. Hanging out with friends
3. Spagetti Bolognaise
4. Dr Pepper
5. Iced Tea
6. My Bed
7. My computer
8. My stereo system
9. Belittling and insulting idiots who deserve it
10. My family
1. My Family
2. My Oma's cookies
3. Programming
4. Learning
5. Mirage Bars
6. Amazing 3D Graphics
7. Great "computer" music
8. Computer Games
9. StarHunter(Favourite show)
10. Incorrect Line Breaks/No line breaks
1. GOD
2. The Silent Hill series
3. The GTA series
4. ps2's
5. MY Pc
6. My website
7. My Intelligence
8. My Girlfriend
9. My hair (ooooh spikey)
10. My **** (heheh)
MY NAME IS JON, JON!!!!!! - oh and it was really "life", but I blocked it with a bunch of asterisks to try and fool people, and guess what it did! - oh and the life thing is sarcastic anyway As I hate my life..
Booze is pretty cool. Particularly Beer...the drink of gawds...or something along that line.
I still find it hard to believe some people don't actually like the taste of it, even the good stuff. I know it's an aquired taste and all that, but it was oh so long ago I couldn't stand the stuff...strange eh...especially the fact I've only been able to legal drink it for just over a year
Come and annoy me more at STOUT ANGER!!!
-my guitar
-my other guitar
-my harmonica
-the girl i met awhile ago
-making gfx
-playing guitar for people who listen
-playing realy old games
-my friends
-my country home
Getting stoned and chillin' with a load of friends, putting on some sweet Drum n Bass music, and then ordering a pizza when the munchies start to kick in.
Gettin' stoned is pretty awesome. I had a couple of jays the other day for a 'birthday celebration'...shame it was 3 in the morning and I was already pissed. Went nuts for like half an hour...i think...and crashed and had wierd stoned dreams.
I love stoned dreams...they seem to make more sense than normal dreams, but that's what's wierd about em!
Come and annoy me more at STOUT ANGER!!!
1. Nintendo
2. Metroid
3. Super Mario Bros.
4. Sonic the Hedgehog
5. The Legend of Zelda
6. Megaman
7. Capcom
8. Gamecube
9. NES
10. SNES
11. N64
12. GB
13. GBC
14. GBA
15. Me