Anyone played Worms? Or Worms 2? Or Worms Armageddon? Or Worms World Party? Yes?
Well you know you can blow up parts of the landscape in those games, thus slowly chipping away the level, create tunnels, do what ever you want really. Well I want to do that in MMF and though I've had someone suggest a method to me that works, its not a very good method. In facts its a very bad method lol, I was wondering if anyone knew how to replicate in MMF without just taking the cheap, cheap, CHEAP option of creating a gazillion little active objects that destroy when an explosion object is overlapping them.
I'm talking pixel manipulation.
I'm making a worms/scorched earth type game, and it works perfecly except the landscape destruction dosent work properly, it creates a circle when the bullet collides with background then pastes it into background like a crater, that works ok but it can only make damage on the surface.... anyway heres a link to it
But that method just covers up the landscape - it's still there! This means that when something else comes along it will collide with the original landscape again (that probably explains your problem Fenner). I'm going to have a fiddle, to see if I can solve it...
No, if you have the Add Backdrop event as Not an Obstacle it covers up the background so it might as well not be there, and any collsion effects with it. There's no proper way to get rid of chunks of the background, which sucks if you want sky or something else behind the landscape to show through, but the Add Backdrop way is the only real way to do it, even if it is kinda ugly.
There really are a lot of demo's for this (see above!). Of course, you could always try my game (Grizzlies 2) which uses this. It's not open source, but it could give you a few ideas.
Why the hell am I on the computer at 1 in the morning? No, don't answer.