Well thats it folks, time is UP!. There have been twelve entries now, and no more shall be accepted. I'll try them all out, and post the news on the front page when its necessary. Thanks for participating, this mini competition has had more entries than last years main Christmas Compo, so give yourselves a pat on the back
Ugh... I just realised just how shoddy and cheezy the menu interface is in my own game, not to mention the, ah, "story". But I guess that's what happens when you're running off of two hours of sleep and are just as close to the deadline...
Despite that, has anybody tried it? I'd really like to know if it's at all fun.
Oh, and my favorite so far has got to be Santa Slim, though I admittedly haven't tried all the others (how many entries were there in all?)
Circy don't even TRY to boast.
Seriously i could probably paint a picture on the wall better than that!
Also I hope a decent game wins this competition this year.
The game that won last year sucked balls.
One I was making with my friend blew that one away withing the FIRST day.
Sadly tho my game is gone on a harddrive somewhere at my bros house because we would have to re-install windows and i had no way to back it up.
Well later people.
p.s. Oh and Circy , I think you need a new Graphics style.That one has been around what I think might be my ass too long.
I have no damn gaems on this website.I dont care.Think what you want.Im better than you -_-.
Derek, each person has their own unique style of drawing, and Circy's is thick black outlines. Your comment suggests that this style came from your arse... so does that mean your arse has big thick black lines around it? Seriously, you need to see somebody about it if you have.