The Daily Click ::. Forums ::. Misc Chat ::. klik and create VS the games factory VS MMF 1.5 (REVIEW)


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Possibly Insane

31st December, 2003 at 00:18:31 -

HEY! Karnage watch your tongue.

I can believe that other people have opinions... I'm just arguing for mine as are alot of people... if you have an opinion it's your perogative to argue it... if not you're a pansy with no spine... are YOU a rolling over pansy Karnage?

Show me the power child,
I'd like to say,
That I'm down on my knees today,
Gives me the butterflies,
Gives me away,
'Til I'm up on my feet again,
I'm feeling outshined.

"Outshined" - SoundGarden


Stone Goose


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberGOTM 3RD PLACE! - APRIL 2009Weekly Picture Me This Round 27 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 41 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 45 Winner!
31st December, 2003 at 05:48:45 -

there are still people who think their opinion is the best, and want all other people to share this opinion. these people should get a life, think clearly, how can you tell somebody what tool to use?


The Smegster


VIP Member
31st December, 2003 at 10:37:45 -

MMF is an excellent tool, but if people wish to use TGF, then its their decision, they will just be missing out..


Possibly Insane

3rd January, 2004 at 21:38:22 -

Missing out... on mind numbingly bad animation editting...

Show me the power child,
I'd like to say,
That I'm down on my knees today,
Gives me the butterflies,
Gives me away,
'Til I'm up on my feet again,
I'm feeling outshined.

"Outshined" - SoundGarden


3rd January, 2004 at 23:49:48 -

I like TGF alot more, but MMF has things I need so I am working toward getting it.

-Above post is ancient and probably irrelevant-

An old account of mine, recently cleared out. It's a blast to the past, the age was marked as 14 when I found it. If you know where to look, you can track me. Au revoir.


4th January, 2004 at 00:53:47 -

Damnit Jd, it's gonna take me ages to read all of this.



Possibly Insane

4th January, 2004 at 00:59:14 -

Nick, read it... LMAO!! It's worth it...

10 points to JD for that one...

Show me the power child,
I'd like to say,
That I'm down on my knees today,
Gives me the butterflies,
Gives me away,
'Til I'm up on my feet again,
I'm feeling outshined.

"Outshined" - SoundGarden

Penguin Seph

4th January, 2004 at 04:36:14 -

JD, you forgot the power of MMF. In TGF, you:

-Can only have 250 objects
-Can only have 3 alterable values
-Cannot zoom in or out in the level editor

In MMF you can:

-Have up to 10000 objects
-Can have 26 alterable values
-Can zoom in and out in the level editor

MMF is just a more powerful program than TGF, and so it is better.


Deleted User
4th January, 2004 at 05:20:41 -

Hey, I remember that somebody has a video clip about mmf2 from click convention (or something) Where is that clip now? I would like to see it.



Possibly Insane

4th January, 2004 at 05:43:44 -

Two sides to every story Wizard-y... a true wizard would be wiser than that... you two bit hack of a wannabe...

Power doesn't equal better... unless you're a fascist...

Sure, MMF has some good points in which is outdoes TGF, and it has some bad points which TGF kicks it's ass with!!!

In TGF you can:
Use a simple, user friendly animation editor
Change simple things nice and simply

In MMF you can:
Forget simplicity... it's freaking pointless complexity time...

Now I can see yet another MMF fan going "Bla Bla Better, Bla Bla mine looks like TGF"... well boo hoo, mine doesn't...

Some people prefer the simplicity of TGF, others like to duke it out with the power of MMF... we all have our own preferences and no one is better outright, only in the eye of the beholder!

MMF is just a more powerful program than TGF, and so it is better
Yes it is more powerful, so far so good, but that DOESN'T make it better... underline this cos it pissed me off royally!

Show me the power child,
I'd like to say,
That I'm down on my knees today,
Gives me the butterflies,
Gives me away,
'Til I'm up on my feet again,
I'm feeling outshined.

"Outshined" - SoundGarden

Penguin Seph

4th January, 2004 at 05:47:54 -

Ashman, you are wiser than I thought.



Possibly Insane

4th January, 2004 at 05:54:36 -

There is more to me than perverted masturbation... not much but a little bit...

Show me the power child,
I'd like to say,
That I'm down on my knees today,
Gives me the butterflies,
Gives me away,
'Til I'm up on my feet again,
I'm feeling outshined.

"Outshined" - SoundGarden


Possibly Insane

4th January, 2004 at 06:09:13 -

i have MMF and at first I was extremely impressed by it's power and it's increased stability... then i tried to make something with it.... and realized how clickteam sure fucked up. Everything... EVERYTHING takes longer to do. I'm sure Shen's going to post "elaborate" like he has the past 20 times so here's a few examples:
hah. Thanks for taking the time to do this, I’m up for a challenge ;P

1. The animation editor:
you open it up and realize everything has changed. Now you have no walking, no running, just stopped. This is ok because you can add infinite user animations, but still a tad annoying.
everything’s changed the first time you use it. The tree-view can be helpful for seeing what you’ve got and what you haven’t.

then it goes down-hill. You start with 1 direction and a.... placement image? WTF is that damn blue diamond doing there? does it hate me and want me to waste time? Im like whatever and diss it.
It does have its uses. Making testing objects is a lot faster, like I used when writing this. Invisible frames aren't supported in TGF either, so they should be deleted.

So then I want to create a new direction, which is now not 1 click away but you have to go to a menu and select add new direction. it doesn't add the opposite directions either, oh no, that would be too CONVINIENT!!!!
except it is one click away, there’s a ‘directions’ box underneath which does the same thing click. And it can add opposed and rotated directions. Take your pills.

So then, in the new direction i hope is going to be blank.... there's a FUCKING BLUE TRIANGLE!!!!! I'm like whatever, talk to the hand, you pooroly drawn piece of shit and delete it so i can paste my animation. What? where'd my precious direction go? Apparently the idea of a direction existing and awaiting art to be pasted/drawn was too easy and convinient for clickteam and they ruled it out in their famous "How can we make MMF worse to piss off our fans" meeting. So you have to paste your animation and then go back using the cumbersome scroll bar and delete the triangle.... WHY? Was that blue piece of shit really neccessary? don't you know that having all directions readily available without having to fucking select it from a menu is a GOOD THING?!?!?!? Did blank directions just slip your french little minds?
Firstly, the tree-view allows you to copy and paste and drag and drop single animations and directions, why are you pasting frames? I see what you mean about the delete it and the animation goes as well, I’ve never experienced this myself. Again, it’s something different that takes getting used to. It’s not that much extra work. You can get copies of other animations and flip them instantly. And how is the scrollbar ‘cumbersome’?

So then you go into the incredibly even worse picture editor. There are a few minor gripes that turn major when you have to deal with them every 20 seconds while spriting: The line tool doesn't let you see individual pixels... FDGREGRREYTTRGREE!
yeah, I’ve found this annoying before… like five times.

Then there's the fact that right clicking is now used for a second color instead of color selecting... that's right, the most useful thing about the TGF editor and what made it the best thing to work on pixels with was REMOVED!!!!! Oh you can shift-click to do the same thing BUT THAT ISN'T THE FUCKING SAME!!!!
I don’t see what’s so amazingly bad about this that it makes TGF unusable. Personally I think the ability to have more than one colour selected makes up for it. One for sprite, one for background. Better than one for sprite, make a mistake, right-click, erase it, right-click again. You’re thinking selectively. There’s also a third colour if you have a middle button. And there’s 31 levels of zoom which have gone unmentioned.

The hotspots and action points surely couldn't have been screwed up.... right? Oh, very wrong. I don't know if it's a bug or what, but they just don't let you see where they land on. Oh and the lovely clickteam added 1 awesome thing: resizing goes both ways. THEN THEY FUCKED IT UP!!!! Resizing looks good but show hotspot and OH LOOK TALLY HO MY FUCKING HOTSPOT IS 32 PIXELS MORE TO THE LEFT! WHOOPS!!! Roatating also fucks it up big time. I swear to god, why did they even have to touch that script? What exactly was wrong with HS and AP in TGF? Nothing... and that's why it rules.
here we go again. The hot spot does move correctly if you resize the image as well as the canvas. And it’s repositioned correctly if you resize it at the start. I don’t see where the problem is. I prefer the hot spot/action point as tools, you can do everything you want to as in TGF, you don’t have to drag them, they’re easier to turn off/on and they don’t get in the way.

Then you realize that there's no fucking scroll bar for color pallete.... HOW THE FUCK ARE PIXEL ARTISTS SUPPOSED TO WORK THEN? They aren't going to want to create a new pallete every time they fucking need a slightly lighter shade of teal now are they?
Erm... what? When you get past 4 rows of pixels you can scroll them, else it tries to fill the screen. Maybe selective seeing on your part.

True you can stop it from asking to save all the fucking time (What retard decided to put that on default?) so that's no problem. Let's say a miracle occurs and you manage to make a sprite, now let's move on:
Like wtfomg. Turn it off.

2. Everything else:

Ok, nothing is simple anymore. You want to resize the window? Holy shit, son, you sure you got an hour to spare? First dig through to find your property window (not easy) then you have to go through this horrible interface (It just gets in the way and demotes quickness) to find it in IT'S OWN FUCKING MENU!!!! Yes, they gave it an entire menu, because, survey says: having a bunch of small options in a frame setup menu is too damn good.
Hour? Right-click on the frame in the project explorer > properties > frame > resize it. Or do it from the storyboard editor (control-b). It takes getting used to, yeah. They are making an organised box for MMF2 so you can’t really say ‘too damn good’.

What's this? You want to edit the properties of an object? Ok, here's my novel of instructions: Right click on an object and a popup menu will come out. Hover it over the option with the arrow and a huge-ass menu comes out. Apparently they decided that an object preferences menu is wayyyyy too convinient so gave each and every little, insignificant thing it's own menu. Yes, even with naming and creating an icon, you will have to visit 2 different locations

Not every little insignificant thing, they are grouped, just not as much. As I keep saying (20 times?) it takes getting used to, I know where everything is now, after a while it’s no trouble at all.

and all these things can NOT be changed with an option, I've checked

You’ve also ignored all of TGF’s annoying little things. Like only having one app open at a time, all the extensions are in a long line, only 4 zoom levels and 1 undo level in the picture editor, you need a toolbar to insert objects, you can’t customise the interface, only 262 objects, 3 alt values, 4 custom directions, sample r bug, removing brackets bug, a lot less internal functions, tab view in picture editor.
Also, MMF can do things a lot easier and faster than TGF – more keyboard shortcuts, such as Control-B or E editor switching, cloning, duplicating and control-dragging, dragging and dropping in objects and events from other applications’ project explorers or from scraps on the desktop.
Plus the fact that it’s no longer supported and will never be patched by Clickteam, so all these are going to stay. I’m not forcing anyone to use MMF, I find it the better tool, I know some people who have found MMF easy to use straight off without using TGF. It’s the phase. Dude.

Image Edited by the Author.

gone fishin'


Possibly Insane

4th January, 2004 at 06:24:56 -

Shen that bares all the signitures of someone with WAAAAYYYYY too much time on their hands... obviously you're someone with time to burn... whether it be posting huge posts with hard to read italic paragraphs... or say... pissing around with MMF for unrequired amounts of time if one was using TGF!

Show me the power child,
I'd like to say,
That I'm down on my knees today,
Gives me the butterflies,
Gives me away,
'Til I'm up on my feet again,
I'm feeling outshined.

"Outshined" - SoundGarden


Possibly Insane

4th January, 2004 at 06:26:13 -

You didn't read it, did you?

gone fishin'
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Worth A Click