Prompted by something someone said on TDC chat (I can't remember exactly what, my mind must've crashed when the server did) I decided to try and make a visual chat app - i.e. one with little people running around, speech bubbles over their heads.
A lot of the basic programming is done, but I need some nice environments for you all to lounge around in, as well as some cool characters (unless you like being a featureless diamond that is). So any offers of help are appreciated.
I'll be releasing this version as open source soon, but I want to hear your comments first. (Or maybe not. Depends how bad they are.)
I can't get it to download (something I did, don't worry about it), but I'll make some sprites and backgrounds if you tell me the sizes, ect. And are the backgrounds tile-based, frame-frame based, and are they isometric?
I'll try the dl again in a while.
Something you might want to consider is splitting the sprited in to heads and bodies for further customisation. That'd increase th enumber of combos, but you couldn't have anything especially cool, like a bug-eyed earl char.
Somebody sign on really quick, I'll post here again when I'm not on the chat. For those of you who couldn't understand that, I'll be on the chat until I post again.
JonWog and I have determined these couple of things.
1. The speech boxes need to be semi transparent + auto size themselves for the text in them.
2. The interface needs to be off the play area.
3. Zelda style sword fighting
4. This program kicks ass.
Sword fighting? Hm, sounds like Runescape to me. How about I put in a Coke machine and you can throw drinks at people? I'll probably let people beat each other up, but have an option to automatically decline duels as well. (That could be one of the minigames )
Thanks for the graphics Joe, do you mind if I modify them a bit and separate them into heads/bodies? (You'll be able to choose complete characters like the dragons.)
The games I will have for CommunityChat will be V-Chat compatible, so they're external EXE files and you send the server/channel/user through commandline.
mygame.exe /host(name of server) /channel(channel name) /username(name of player)
e.g. mygame.exe /host243.87.127.88 /channelCoolChannel /usernameBob