Posted By
Danny Boy
Registered 06/10/2003
Points 794
3rd March, 2004 at 08:38:50 -
Why does The Daily Click use .asp??? It's many other formats that are much more secure and better than .asp. Is there a spesial reason that you guys use .asp?
Klikmaster Master of all things KlikRegistered 08/07/2002
Points 2599
3rd March, 2004 at 15:12:10 -
Maybe the programmers who made the site prefer asp to other languages, i don't know myself...
Mr Icekirby
Registered 18/12/2003
Points 846
3rd March, 2004 at 16:58:59 -
maybe the creator of dc is showing how slow some people here are?
Mr Icekirby says so!
Pete Nattress Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegifRegistered 23/09/2002
Points 4811
3rd March, 2004 at 17:10:10 -
i guess its just a matter of webdesigner's preference, server options etc, e.g. if you had an apache server you'd have to choose PHP over ASP.
and i think which language is "better" comes down to a matter of opinion and what you specifically want to do.
Rhys D Please enter a custom ratingRegistered 02/01/2002
Points 162
3rd March, 2004 at 18:04:00 -
There really isn't much wrong with asp, except php is much better but, imo asp is easier to use with databases etc. (what i've tried with it)
Rhys D Please enter a custom ratingRegistered 02/01/2002
Points 162
3rd March, 2004 at 19:13:04 -
Slow, medium or fast?
Registered 03/01/2014 01:12:19
Points 186
4th March, 2004 at 11:05:33 -
"if ASP is worse than how do servers justify charging so much for ASP support"
They don't. I don't pay that much for KlikMe.
ChrisB Crazy?
Registered 16/08/2002
Points 5457
4th March, 2004 at 11:28:58 -
You rarely choose a server side language, it's whatever your first host supports that you learn, and thereafter you go and find hosts that support that language so you don't have to change all your existing scripts.
General points:
1. If you have a Windows server then it's very likely to have ASP installed with the web server = can't be bothered to install anything else
2. PHP is both free, crossplatform and not Microsoft = good
3. Cold Fusion costs way too much = bad
4. I'm still waiting for Perl 6
Registered 20/09/2002
Points 996
4th March, 2004 at 18:15:38 -
<---- Cold Fusion.
And no im not explaining what cold fusion is.
We are the music makers, we are the dreamers of dreams...
Pete Nattress Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegifRegistered 23/09/2002
Points 4811
4th March, 2004 at 18:23:54 -
is it a macromedia invention? i know they enjoy coming up with their own languages. (e.g. action script in flash)
ChrisB Crazy?
Registered 16/08/2002
Points 5457
4th March, 2004 at 18:38:16 -
Yes, that's why it costs so much
Edit: It wasn't a Macromedia invention, they bought it off of somebody else so they could bump up the prices Edited by the Author.
Registered 20/09/2002
Points 996
4th March, 2004 at 19:24:27 -
But you dont need a special editor to write it, it can be written in an txt file, just like html.
We are the music makers, we are the dreamers of dreams...
Pete Nattress Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegifRegistered 23/09/2002
Points 4811
5th March, 2004 at 12:03:52 -
you can write PHP and ASP in notepad as well. i use dreamweaver for PHP as it has syntax highlighting and line numbering which are very useful.
Shen Possibly Insane
Registered 14/05/2002
Points 3497
5th March, 2004 at 14:30:13 -
I miss Allaire too
gone fishin'
Clubsoft Administrator
WeeeeeeeeRegistered 02/12/2001
Points 254
5th March, 2004 at 21:09:56 -
UltraEdit32.. mmm.. lovely syntax highlighting without any bloated crap
.: Apocalyptic Coders - :.