Posted By
Registered 27/07/2003
Points 117
4th April, 2004 at 04:43:54 -
What is a detector!?! I am attempting for the first time to make custom platform movement. I came across an article on custon platform movement and it mentions detectors. I know that i need for of them, one on each side of my character. But what actually are they???
Registered 03/07/2003
Points 1540
4th April, 2004 at 04:50:49 -
The article you describe must of been pretty vague if all it told you was 'make detectors, than make custom movement, done.'
You are not actually limited to four detectors, you can use as many as you want, and you will need more then four if you want to program slopes and such. Basically detectors are invisable active objects that are set to a position on the characters body, you use them to 'detect' when certain parts of the characters body is touching certain parts of the background and enemies. You usually have one for each side, right, left, up and down. The side ones will detect if the character is colliding with an object, say a wall, on that particular side, and it will tell the body to stop. You do this to every side with slight variations.
This is only a brief summary, if you actually want code and examples and stuff than I suggest running an article search. Good luck, youve made the right decision in building a custom engine!
'oh yeah? he's thrown a kettle over a pub, what have you done?'
Smeggy The Smegster
Registered 08/01/2003
Points 1062
4th April, 2004 at 04:53:17 -
Detectors are used for specific collisions, whether it be to prevent a character from falling through an obstacle, or to prevent that character from sticking to an object.
But it is possible to create a 'detector-less' engine, which mainly consists of the extension "Fastloop"
Shen Possibly Insane
Registered 14/05/2002
Points 3497
4th April, 2004 at 04:58:44 -
"You need your character, and 5 detectors. 'Detectors?' you might think. Well: Detectors are used in almost all custom movements to detect if the player can go up, right, etc. We cannot detect if the player has collided with anything because with that you can't tell if he's collided with the ceiling, left wall, or whatever. "
gone fishin'