The theme is Time and you have to incorporate this into your game to enter. Even though you will be judged on graphics, gameplay etc... you will gain most points for an effective implementation of the competition theme.
There are prizes to be won from 1st-10th place worth over $5000 in total, including MMF, Jamagic, DarkBasic, GameMaking Courses, Games, Music Software, Web Hosting.
1st Prize is worth over $2000 so its well worth entering.
You have 4 months to enter so you have plenty of the good stuff (time) to get ready.
Holy crap, ACoders, the richest clickers EVER! Perhaps I'll enter, but with 3 months to make a game with time, OOoooo I am so interested. It sounds better then alot of compos, and so are the prizes. *Sits down at desk to think of a game.*
"Everytime you use Kazaa, a metallica band member dies a little."
Quote Jonathon Smeby.