i have it connect and everything, i load a file, i try and set values, and it can't load em later! could someone make a moogame ini tutorial please? mine works just fine, it connects, i know the server works, i've got an event that says
Is Connected: set alterable string to "Connected"
X Is Connected: set alterable string to Not Connected
it says Connected after about 1/2 a second, then i try and edit INI and it doesn't work, a tutorial please?
Edited by the Author.
Mr Icekirby says so!
Pete Nattress Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif
Registered 23/09/2002
Points 4811
24th April, 2004 at 12:35:15 -
maybe the server doesn't support server side inis.
If you're using mooapi.anjusevin.com Port 1203 then IMI should work (he now uses a Windows server). Server Side INIs won't work if it's a Linux server, so check that.
There are no longer any moo /moo2 servers because that was very buggy and is now very outdated. I apparently run the only mooapi server but you can use moscheck.anjusevin.com for very easily parseable list of available mos's (there will be a way to add mos's as they become avaiable from my website when i have some time to put that up (next week probably) anyway that moscheck address has been working for a month or so now and i intend to keep it up for years to come so if you have an important app/game i strongly suggest using it as opposed to hard coding mos servers... Back to IMI's there are quite a few on the server so I imagine they are used. Ok i just tryed it... not to difficult here is an uncommented example that sets a string on the server and retrieves it. (I wouldn't use this exact style cause i'm not sure it will always work (setting a string and loading it at the same time) worked for me though so it should work for you... http://www.anjusevin.com/ssIni.cca