Hi, i'm askin' you for a problem with the Digital Music Control 2 for TGF 32bit Pro.
if i install the game on any other pc, the music doesn't play.i think because the path says "open stream "c:\document and settings\user\game\sound\etc..."and the pc doesn't find the path how could i fix this? THX
*Init Bass
*Stream Open "./tune.mp3" (once its in the game directory - i personally dont bother with the $appdrive etc but its good practice)
*Stream play looping = 1 (1 = loop, 0 = play once)
Alternatively, just using the filename, such as "music.mp3", works as well if you have the music in the same directory as the game. (For the techies, you could use ".\music.mp3" to make it a relative path. I had better stop.)
Some newer versions of windows don't support ".\". Originally I thought it was a win2k and winXP thing, but if it works on those OS's, then it might be that you have to be in administrator mode.