Is there any plugin to TGF that make it possible to build games with low-res fullscreen, like 320*240, 520*340 and 640*480?
X( "p1" ) - 24
TGF user, working on simple projects sometimes. Current Project: Farm with Chickens.
Also a member of IGD - Insane Geme Design [ ]
just use the 16-bit version of TGF. that has a fullscreen option
"Say you're hanging from a huge cliff at the top of mt. everest and a guy comes along and says he'll save you, and proceeds to throw religious pamphlets at you while simultaniously giving a sermon." - Dustin G
the 16 bit version of the games factory allows proper fullscreen as long as you have 320x200 res and 256 colours
thats what the 'fullscreen at start' is for (NOT resize at start)
but it will still be a window with windows xp machines...
however there are a few objects that allow 640x480 and one of them is the 'display properties object'.
Yeah, the 16-version have like AndyUK said support for 320*200 fullscreen, but I don't want that wide screen res and bisides, like AndyUK said, it doesnŽt work in Windows XP. So, IŽll keep looking for that plug-in, but I didnŽt found it on the extension list. Can anyone help me find it?
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X( "p1" ) - 24
TGF user, working on simple projects sometimes. Current Project: Farm with Chickens.
Also a member of IGD - Insane Geme Design [ ]
What is palette object and display properties object, and where can I get them?
X( "p1" ) - 24
TGF user, working on simple projects sometimes. Current Project: Farm with Chickens.
Also a member of IGD - Insane Geme Design [ ]
X( "p1" ) - 24
TGF user, working on simple projects sometimes. Current Project: Farm with Chickens.
Also a member of IGD - Insane Geme Design [ ]
Thanks, IŽll test it.
Edit: 640*480 works fine, but 512*384 doesnŽt. I guess 640*480 will be fine.
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Edited by the Author.
X( "p1" ) - 24
TGF user, working on simple projects sometimes. Current Project: Farm with Chickens.
Also a member of IGD - Insane Geme Design [ ]