When I re-install (or re-extract), the old high scores are still there. How to make the high score list go away with the game? Im using TGF.
X( "p1" ) - 24
TGF user, working on simple projects sometimes. Current Project: Farm with Chickens.
Also a member of IGD - Insane Geme Design [ igd.dongrif.com ]
TGF scores are stored in c:\windows\gfscores.ini (I think), so you could either delete that file or use TGF to clear the contents where the game matches the one in the file
"Say you're hanging from a huge cliff at the top of mt. everest and a guy comes along and says he'll save you, and proceeds to throw religious pamphlets at you while simultaniously giving a sermon." - Dustin G
Ah, so there is where itīs hiding... How to get the high score file protected and in the same dir as the game?
X( "p1" ) - 24
TGF user, working on simple projects sometimes. Current Project: Farm with Chickens.
Also a member of IGD - Insane Geme Design [ igd.dongrif.com ]
You'll have to build your own high-score table in TGF, then use the ini to save it, then use something like the file encryption object to encrypt it. Actually, if you put the scores before names, a listfile could probably do the sorting for you.(although you'd probably want to use text objects' alterable strings to display the scores, since a list object is rather ugly)
TGF doesn't have $appdrive + $appdir does it? You may have to use the file object to get the ini to save in the same dir.
Hmm, Iīve never really worked with ini-files in TGF. Maybe itīs better to just leave it the way it is.
X( "p1" ) - 24
TGF user, working on simple projects sometimes. Current Project: Farm with Chickens.
Also a member of IGD - Insane Geme Design [ igd.dongrif.com ]
Bear in mind that all scores from TGF games are stored in that one INI file in the windows directory, so if you delete that then any other TGF games on your computer will lose their scores aswell.
I have a tutorial on my site for saving and protecting a high score table in TGF and MMF:
X( "p1" ) - 24
TGF user, working on simple projects sometimes. Current Project: Farm with Chickens.
Also a member of IGD - Insane Geme Design [ igd.dongrif.com ]
I tried 2 times by following your tutorial, but it doesnīt work. Only when I deleted all my events in the high scores frames and copied the evenst from the tutorial it worked. The scores doesnīt load or save (donīt know wich) the list. I think Iīm going to look at it one more time now.
Edited by the Author.
X( "p1" ) - 24
TGF user, working on simple projects sometimes. Current Project: Farm with Chickens.
Also a member of IGD - Insane Geme Design [ igd.dongrif.com ]
Deleting the ini-file didnīt help, I guess I have to look over it one more time.
X( "p1" ) - 24
TGF user, working on simple projects sometimes. Current Project: Farm with Chickens.
Also a member of IGD - Insane Geme Design [ igd.dongrif.com ]
No, not that ini-file, Iīm talking about the one created following the tutorial Arf posted.
X( "p1" ) - 24
TGF user, working on simple projects sometimes. Current Project: Farm with Chickens.
Also a member of IGD - Insane Geme Design [ igd.dongrif.com ]
Arf: I added this to the help-file:
"Thanks to FFP-games.com and Arf for the Advanced high score table tutorial that helped me with the high score list."
X( "p1" ) - 24
TGF user, working on simple projects sometimes. Current Project: Farm with Chickens.
Also a member of IGD - Insane Geme Design [ igd.dongrif.com ]
Here's a clue: Don't use the TGF highscore object. It's not actually too hard to make your own. And don't bother encrypting the INI, only morons bother to fiddle around with them anyway.