well you've really done it this time, what a bunch of heartless arse holes. (no offense) but what the holy shit is wrong with ClickCell and why the fuck does no one ever go there, if your going to be a heartless bastard you can at least say why. Being Polite has got me no where so it's to laugh agian. (HA HA HA).
I just don't get it ClickCell has been around for over a year, a year of me writing to myself! What would make you potato brains want to go to it.
Maybe I just need to say fuck a few more times and you will wonder what the fuck I am on about and go to my fucking site for once.
Great now I seem like a sad moody wierdo, oh yeah, well fuck you.
You're totally right about the 'seeming like a sad moody weirdo.' Like anyone's gonna go there now after your little stupid outburst. I never even knew about ClickCell in the first place, if you want a popular site you gotta pimp it out to people somehow you eejit.
First of all, stop acting totally immature, that’s probably one main reason why nobody visits.
Second of all, put some effort and expense into the site; get a decent domain name and perhaps a sponsor or two.
That ought to help things along.
Also, try and set your community apart from any other (Like Capnzippy and I did with Klik-Union) Try and implement some original features that will interest people more.
No one likes another TDC clone.
And perhaps run a competition or two, with some good prizes. If that doesn't attract people, nothing will.
Put some effort in? Jesus man did you think it was easy to make?
And that's for acting immature, I was acting completely rasional before and no one went there, I act imature, and, oh look, someone bothers visiting it, see my plan worked!
I have asked for it to go on the front page and it's like emailing a brick wall, I don't even get an email rejecting the offer.
I would get a new domain but I think www.clickcell.tk is a pretty good domain and I, unlike you, don't have a bag of cash I can chuck at it when things go sour.
And Necropixel Giant, call me a jackass all you want, I really don't care
Your site is no different to any other community klik site, I mean.... wait a second... you can... you can... ADD YOUR OWN DOWNLOADS OMFG WE HAVE A WINNER! However, when I STFU I should tell you to be original. As I said this site is basically a poor clone of TDC. The radio isn't a bad idea but it's been done before and doesn't really work out good. Also, another reason would be that there are too many click community sites. And most of the main chatting is at the Daily Click, Klik-Me (kinda) Click Island and Klik Academy.(I was actually impressed with the ideas of this website)
I would also like to take this opportunity to call you a jackass, so here it is.
Well would the site be any good if you couldn't add your own downloads?
On my site you can add news on the front page yourself without any special status, that's original, is it not? And it's all very well to tell me to be original, but what, in your mind, would make it original?
"I would also like to take this opportunity to call you a jackass" Well you kind please em' all
Hey I went to Clickcell, but I didn't stay long, I think that people start to drift back to sites like TDC and Click Island because they have more members. You should do something to attract everyone's attention, like KA has courses, KlikME has interviews, Click Island has that review system. Don't we already have too many click sites, let me count; TDC, KA, KU, CC, KM, and many more, why don't you make a personal site and JOIN a click community, rather than making one! END
I have an idea, maybe if I just deleted it and started agian from scratch, although I really didn't think it was that bad.
But come on, give me some credit, it's a (sort of) decent site and I didn't make it over night.
I'd like to take this oportunity also to apologise for my rude behavior (thats a first) and pleed for you kind gentle people to give me a second chance,
It's never gonna be easy to start a new community, and the Click community isn't exacly booming in the first place. There's already enough Click community sites as it is, and one that offers nothing new isn't really gonna take off.
Pete Nattress Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif
Just wanted to say something here, i checked out your site littleguy, and here is my unbiassed opinion coming up...
A great way to expsose your site to the click-world is to ask for a front page news bit on the dc, you will be sure of lots of comments and visits.
The thing with community sites is that you have to keep updating them all the time with news, games, reviews, the lot. When you start out this is the big part because you have to have patience, i would like to remind ya that even the daily click in its early days and even in its scripted asp version had bad days, i remember at one point the forums did not get "1" reply or forum post at all and i was the only one posting on the forums, hehehe, kinda like talking to myself But i believe if you keep doing something you believe in good things will happen, and look at the dc today, i am so proud of the people visiting and the admins for keeping it alive.. you guys rock! ergmm anyway back to the forum post...
The same went for games, i had to start things up by getting games from somewhere else and putting them myself on the dc just to get some content, you have to do lots of things with a community site yourself and it can take months or even a year before users start really posting stuff and using the forums.
The thing is you have to gain the users trust that this site is hear to stay and that you are 100% behind it, you wont update it whenever you feel like it but you update all the time for the people out there because that's what a community site is about.
When i check out clickcell, while the idea behind it is good, you just don't update it enough, there are almost no games on there, and the place seems rather empty, and you know that's not going to change unless you do something about it. Post some more games yourself, keep updating that news page from around the communtity all the time, but the thing is, you have to put some work into it, its not like "heck i created the start up coding, the design the graphics, i am done!" heck no this is only the beginning, and if you do keep updating it all the time don't expect to see any regular visitors for a while it takes time my friend.
you say the following "clickcell has been around for over a year, a year of writing to myself" that's right that's what it takes, but if you had a year on clickcell there should be many more games on there, more news... just keep working on it more, keep improving it, but the people wont come by themselfs, promote the site to, a forum post wont do, and once the people are there try to keep them there, keep them hooked, at the moment there is just not enough content out there for people to stay interested. I even saw a news post "gap" between november and may, that's a long time man. Just keep updating improving on it and get some games on there, if you have the time for it and keep doing so it could be big....
That's all
Edited by the Author.
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