but no! its actually Game Programming i even got the name wrong ive never tried programming but im pretty savvy at maths
my tutor at college, god rest his soul, also worked at Stoke university as an occasional lecturer and tried to emulate uni as much as he could. pretty much everything i made in the last 2 years and everything on my site is just my portfolio. http://satansam.co.uk if anyones interested.
When I finished my diploma in Computer Graphics, I could've gone further and done a higher level 3D animation course, except it was in Wales. So I didn't go, for obvious reasons. But nowadays I wish I had, even though my life is sweet this particular moment in time, I've gone through a lot of crap to get here that I could've avoided had I just gone to Wales for 2 years. Oh well, never mind.
I sort of wish I lived in the uk ;___; all we have here is that school in Canada... Though I know a few guys who go to DigiPen/ are out and have alright jobs right now. All of the other schools are all cheap money holes like the ones in Cali... Oh thats right I could always go to ITTech! Or not .__. bloody hell. It's better to get better at smalltalk and go work for KeyTech then go to a DigitalArts School.