keyboard aiming is to hard to get it aligned right. If you just do accuracy for certain guns and make the gun inaccurate if you hold down left mouse button (like in seek and dread online) it'll be perfect.
My personal preference is emulating the movement of a first person shooter when doing a top down shooter.
Basically this means you have a mouse pointer which the Player is always looking towards, but make so they rotate towards in with the Direction Calculator for instance, so you can't turn around instantly.
Then you have the arrow keys...or WSAD kinda keys...for moving forward, back, left and right, so much exactly the same as first person style movement.
Makes it reasonably challenging and authentic.
Come and annoy me more at STOUT ANGER!!!
I also like more the Mouse shooting, but the problem is that I want my game to have a 2 players mode and is almost impossible to use the Mouse Shooting. Maybe in the 2 player mode I can use the keyboard shooting? Or you guys have another idea?
I don't know what kind of good top down shooter movement you can do without the mouse at all. Plus i think that a 2 player shooter game that shares the keyboard just doesnt work very well..not enough room and such. You should just make it a LAN or internet multiplayer game.
I think it really all depends on the feel your going for. The control scheme should exist in harmony with your art style and sound style. Mouse based controls feel more modern - like a cheap conversion of a fps whereas keyboard controls gives a more retro feel. I didn't bother to read everyone's posts so someone may have mentioned this already. But anyways, thats what i think.
Let me explain better about my game:
In my game you don't play alone, you are a captain and you can control your soldiers. In the past month I made the AI for the game, and I'm very proud about it (there are four levels: Patrol, Follow, defend and War AI). But now I have to decide how the shooting engine should be. The game is kind of Operation Flashpoint 2D, a small sized conflict (based on the serbian war) that is separated in missions. I hope you guys understand this and I hope to read some good opinions. Thanks