Ive recently started using TGF again after leaving the click community over 2 years ago and Ive started making this as-yet to be named RPG, heres a couple of screens of what I have done so far.
Looks good! I recommend you name it x: y 0f z, where x is any made up word comprised partially of an obscure adjective, y is any metaphorically over-used verb and z is any made up place name, consisting of un unpronouncable juxtaposition of bizzare sylables. EG: Darkia: Mirrors of Ylochenzia
Why the hell am I on the computer at 1 in the morning? No, don't answer.
Have no fear Bo Fu, I will use a custom platform engine, havent implemented it yet as im concentrating on getting a bit of level design done first. The game will run in full screen 320 x 200 which will of course make the graphics look less stretched.
Assault Andy Administrator
I make other people create vaporware
Not bad, btw, you can make BMP looking pictures for pixel art & screenshots using PNG, paint is able to save this format, so why PNG isnt as popular still confuses me. PNG loads as fast as JPG with the quality of BMP.