New Feature |
News posted 12th July, 2003 by ShadowCaster
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At DC we've been having a lot of requests for the ability to rate a game without having to write a review. Well, I've put together a couple of new scripts that will allow you to vote thumbs up or thumbs down for a game. What good will this do, you ask? Well, every game will have their percentage (based on the number of thumbs up) displayed next to the title in the download list, and the games with the highest scores will have their own download list!
Before you start complaining that you voted but nothing happened, a game requires at least 5 votes before the total will be displayed. This will prevent a game from getting 100% (and hence being the top game) after just one vote. And no, you cant vote for a game you submit yourself
Try it out, I hope you all like it, and enjoy using it. If you have questions or comments, you can post them here.
Additional: You can now also remove comments you have made in the downloads section.
ShadowCasterPossibly Insane
Registered 02/01/2002
Points 2203