Hurray! Blobfort has won the GOTW award this time! Created by Radix, it's an impressive achievement when you consider it took just one night to make.
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download the GOTW
This weeks entrants -
Lost Woods Dizzy,
Mathematicus Online,
Halloween Ramble,
Boogie Squares. Yes, Lost Woods Dizzy is a fangame. But I personally think it's excellent (and I've beaten it and written a walkthrough for it) and deserves a shot at GOTW. As usual, choose carefully. A lot of good stuff stuff this week.
Eventful Moments Of This Past Week:
Obviously, you'll notice the Halloween design. Don't you think it's ugly?!
Muz has posted an article about how necessary game design is. It's mostly drivel, and you can be bored right here!
I'm increasingly concerned about Jonathan Smeby's mental health. But, before he goes completely nuts, we're hoping he's going to release Jonny RPG very soon - and as he's made a "final" post about the game in the forums, it really should be sooner rather than later. Read more here!
Finally, Phizzy has made a finger painting of a "retard" called "Sir See" - guess who "Sir See" really is? Take a look at how rubbish it is here!
I (Shab) prove that Circy lies, cause phizzy's drawing isn't the last eventful moment, Tigerworks has posted some new screenies of his game Terminal Orbit at his site, click here to check it out.