So whilst messing around with the engine for my new short game, i got thinking about one of my early games that (unfortunately) i no longer have. I then thought, "hey, if i don't have it anymore, why don't i just remake it?"
Good idea!
So my first short game is on the back-burner for a while, though it will come since i've already started it. For now, i have started a remake of a space shooter i made back in 1998 using good old K'n'P; Space Commander 2!
Space Commander will take the top-down shooting element of Space Commander 2 and introduce more exciting space combat with some nifty engine effects. Where as SC2 pitted the player against a seemingly endless stream of enemy craft and unforgiving rules, Space Commander will feature more weapons, more action and more bosses whilst keeping to a fairly similar, albeit more flexible, formula.
More info and some screenies to appear shortly!