It's a puzzle-shooter game that adapts variations of other great games (i.e. scary maze game, portal, snakes, within a deep forest)
You basically control a circle called a 'Snake' with the mouse, the goal in each starting level is to get to the goal at the end of the maze. During some levels you may encounter locked doors that require defeating a certain amount of enemies.
Once you gain the ability to "shed" your snake power you can draw a trail that can be used to defeat your enemies.
Enemies can be defeated depending on what color your snake is.
Red snake means that whenever an enemy collides with your trail they will implode.
Yellow snake means that whenever an enemy collides with your trail they will bounce in a certain direction i.e. a lava pit
Green snake means that whenever you leave a trail behind you can shoot bullets out of the snake's trail towards the direction you are heading.
In the video I show that if you create a green circle and aim at the center of the circle, it creates a big explosion. Very fun.
I thought of the name Snakes On Crack because it really isn't a Snake game variation per se you can still create a trail leading behind that can be used to your advantage. Hence the title Snakes on Crack.
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