The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Titan Exodus 2

Project: Titan Exodus 2
Project Started: 28th March, 2003 Last Update: 11th November, 2009
Project Owner: cake Project Members:
Project Type: Shoot 'em up Project Progress:

Project Overview  
Preview Titan Exodus 2 is a side scrolling shooter in the style of R-type. Planned feature list:

8 unique levels
Multiplayer cooperative play, with 3 different ships to play as
Arcade mode with 3 unique upgrade trees
Classic mode containing 30 purchasable upgrades for your ship, catering to different gameplay strategies, and a selection of 3 computer controlled wingmen with unique strengths and weaknesses
Multiple difficulty levels and unlockable gameplay mutators

The game is a sequel to James Whitehead's game Titan Exodus. I have his permission and endorsement to create this.

I started work on this a long time ago (shortly after Titan Exodus 1's release!), when I was still in high school. Since then it has had many different versions and rebuilds, as well as long periods where it has been shelved. But the tools and extensions available have slowly improved and given more capacity to how I like to work. It began as a Games Factory project and will end as an MMF2 one!

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Graphics revamping and Dev tools
Posted 11th Nov 09, by cake 6 Comments


Wow, dev logs!

So, what am I doing with this? The last version I had sitting on my hard drive is a misshapen thing, with random bugs and disjoint pockets of antiquated sprite work.

The problem has always been the inability to pool the bulk of the engine events in one place. The usual solution is to develop some kind of level editor and load all your levels into the one frame, but there was a number of tricky graphical effects that were making that more difficult to implement.

Fortunately MMF2 rescues this with its introduction of layers (best thing EVAR).

So its a new project file, where I've got a big frame that I'm dropping ALL the game's graphics into. It's simply called the Gallery, and it's my one stop place for any graphical work on the project.

It's also a definitive repository where I can checklist the inclusion of entities within the Level editor I'm developing. No special effect sprites, or level specific trinkets are missed, because its all in the gallery for me to check and see.

During the building of the gallery I've been targeting sprites that are in dire need of refurbishment and pixelling has been booming (first screenshot being an example), with much more work to come. Thankfully, however, most existing work is serviceable.

The level editor isn't much past the laying out of the interface with the code supporting how it works. It uses the IconList object for a visual brush list that makes item location quick (second screenshot). I'm satisfied with its progress and am on the verge of digging into the serious coding to get its functionality happening.

Hopefully have the editor done soon and can begin marrying it to the in game engine!

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