Project: Thod II - Dead Man Standing
Project Started: |
10th August, 2003 |
Last Update: |
10th August, 2003 |
Project Owner: |
Seph |
Project Members: |
Project Type: |
Adventure |
Project Progress: |
Project Overview |
Fudd Newby, a boy who suffered enough when he fought off traitor Larfor and the spirit of the deceased sorcerer Thod in the first game, must return to the world of Jert in which he fought said people.
Reason being, is that the minute he returned he discovered that somebody had been playing around with the inter-dimensional portals, so he jumps back into the world of Jert to investigate.... and discovers that Larfor is infact not dead, and is attempting to merge the two worlds together. Fudd and his new clone, created through a glitch when Fudd moved back through the portal, work to thwart Larfor. One must search our world to destroy the portal, and the other must seek Larfor in the city of Meen and defeat him once and for all.
From here onwards, the game begins, an adventure with mind pleasing puzzles, eye pleasing cartoony graphics and funny bone pleasing humour.
Thod II is a point and click adventure game, in which you control Fudd in his quest. The interface remains the same as in the first game, apart from one new added feature-
Fudd gains a clone in the game, and so there are two of his beings. One goes into adventure in the world of Jert, whilst one travels around Fudd's hometown in our world. The new interface allows the player to switch between the two worlds, following two storylines at once.
For those unfamiliar with the first game, the point and click interface includes four main interactions: use/pick up, look, speak/eat and inventory. There are also three other commands available to the player, these are three magic spells learnt by Fudd in the first game: Light/dark spell, Growth spell, and the water spell. Once or twice these will be required to move on through the game, but no where near as much as the four main commands.
If you enjoyed the music of the first game, you will still be in love with it, as Thod II returns with Jon Chambers' excellent musical work.
Old tunes from the first game make their appearances, but many more new ones appear courtesy of Jon, to please your ears as you help Fudd through his venture.
Be also sure to expect the return of key characters from game one, Fudd (of course), the evil Larfor, the wise wizard Larfor, and Fudd's now good friend Kat. The Hippy Wizard from game one will also appear, as voted for on the Sephware homepage.
Many new characters will make the way into the story too, one or two playing key parts in the adventure, others being their in Fudd's assistance in return for theirs'. Glum factory workers, circus strongmen, colourful mages, animatronic clowns and many more.
I will finish my note on the characters news that another character from game one will return, somebody whom you would not suspect to make an appearance!
I apologise for the absence of a demo for Thod II, but worry not as Thod II - Dead Man Standing will be ready this coming September. Be sure to check the site, for any further news.
This will be a game you will enjoy.
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