"SPACE ACE! Defender of Truth, Justice...and the planet EARTH!"
Fans of the Don Bluth animated laser disc classic, 'Space Ace' no doubt recall them thar words well...Lord knows I do, as I spent over $50.00 in one day playing the game when I first stumbled across it in an arcade in Seaside, Oregon on a vacation with my family.
Ever since then I had wished I could create a game like it...an animated adventure that I made and others could interact with.
Well, PC's made it possible, finally. I am currently creating a follow up to 'Ace' where the game player controls his gal pal Kimmy in her quest to escape the evil clutches of Commander Borf!
When finished, the game will be available on CD to anyone wanting a copy, free of charge.
Thats right, FREE (since these ARE copyrighted characters, after all, I can't legally charge anything for the finished game...but I want to share it with other SA fans, so all you will end up paying is the cost of the blank CD and postage...hows that sound?...
Anyway, as the game construction progresses, I will post files here for all to see...email me (karcreat@icehouse.net) with any comments or suggestions you might have...I would love to hear from you.