Recently I've been trying to make a 3D editor, but encountered a few problems. Most notably, how do you do grid coordinates? The solution was using a 2D grid and a height bar. Ship editor(a space-ship editor) was the result.
Ship editor is currently really basic. You can drop cubes, spheres, and delete them. There's also 4 views that correspond to drafting views(Top = topleft, Front = bottomleft, R.Side = bottomright, Orthographic = topright).
Soon I plan on adding semi-spheres, slopes, and other shapes to make it more functional.
In the screenshots you can see a couple things. One is a crummy ship made out of some blocks, the grid(currently the best feature), and a huge sphere that I used to test out the textures. The second screenshot also shows the older slider method of drawing.
If all goes well(nothing snags), and I get some free-time next week, I can probably finish this editor in about a month.
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