The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Arcade ::. Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Author: aaron_brammer Submitted: 30th August, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Arcade Downloads: 329

This is my last game. Basically, you play as a teen who gets car wrecked on a farm, and the game involves one big hunt between you, leatherface and his family. You can rescue your girlfriend, steal cars, destroy fences, all part of the game.
Yeah, sorry but i had to use the 900Kb version cause the 500KB one got ultimately slow when i got the shotgun. Ide like to thank guidosoft guy, xjoeydude and Gene Mcredie, with that, I bid you farewell.

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Posted by Death Reaper X 31st August, 2003

This was really fun! The weapons are very well done (and I like the fact you DON'T have ammo--getting ammo is a pain) :) The only bad things IMO are you can't crouch when you're in corners which means the bunnies can get you, it runs a bit slowly or at least your movement is (I think because you did the resize to fullscreen thing), and you have no getting-hit animation (so I never realised my life draining away) which is odd because all the monsters have really good death anims! Nice one though! :)
Posted by Metal Maiden 31st August, 2003

Sorry to hear this is your lasy game. I liked the creppy music and it fit the mood of the game right. I must admit though, I have no idea what to do! I took that girl to the rock, found the house and got the car keys, excpet leatherface, the bastard, destroyed the car with his mighty chainsaw. Where is the gun anyways? I got like a hundred something ammo!
Posted by Death Reaper X 31st August, 2003

SOrry I wrote this comment on the wrong game!
Posted by Zi-Xiao 31st August, 2003

Thats about as far as I got... I'm begining to think there is no 'gun'.
Posted by Jatzek(DreamEvil Corp) 1st September, 2003

WOW!:) I hope, this game will be fun... I really like horror type games;))))
Posted by aaron_brammer 1st September, 2003

The gun is there, theres a visual clue as to who has it.
Posted by Jatzek(DreamEvil Corp) 1st September, 2003

What's that clue?:) Hey, what if my girlfriend dies?:)))
Posted by aaron_brammer 1st September, 2003

if the girl dies, and you finish it, you get a different less impressive ending.
Posted by renneF 1st September, 2003

haha death reaper your talking about that happyland game arent you?
Posted by Zi-Xiao 1st September, 2003

how the hell do i get the gun? Do i get it off the guy inside the fenced in area?
Posted by aaron_brammer 2nd September, 2003

yeah, but you need something large and car like to break the fence, or you could get leatherface to do it for you.
Posted by Fatace 2nd September, 2003

this is a not bad game but however in a range of places, when you created the background and active objects the angles didn't match as like the screenshot above with the driving car, where u have a car shown at a 3 qurater verticle angle but your background is top down... thats about all i have to say. but once again it is still a pretty good addictive game.
Posted by Jason Orme 24th September, 2003

not bad, im a big fan of horror movies. I prefer the hellraiser movies myself, but like leatherface the same. the game is fun, needs some work, very twisted and dark though. And i love that artwork when u die. I myself am known for drawing high quility torture art. Hope to see some more horror style games of yours.
Posted by Wilderness (Ultra Soft) 12th October, 2003

this is by far your best game, too bad your quitting now :(
Posted by aaron_brammer 18th October, 2003

well, as they say, IM BACK BABY! ill be posting this back message on all my games.
Posted by aaron_brammer 18th October, 2003

Dammit, whens someone gonna review this game... I'm looking at you thumbs down people, I need to know why its so bad you feel it deserves the thumbs down.





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