The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Miscellaneous ::. The Adventures of Aaron FULL

The Adventures of Aaron FULL
Author: aaron_brammer Submitted: 21st October, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 189

Yeah, full Monday of my life. Do missions, get to school.
Its actually quite fun, for me that is, so give it a try, sorta like reality gaming, for those who like that voyuerisitc nature of things, review please, none of my games ever get any. Again, sorry for lack of screenshots. 9 levels, 3 bosses... I try to make each level unique, ill be updating the game all the time, just making it prettier.

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Posted by 21st October, 2003

uh... ok ill download since...Huh, i dont really know why im downloading... OH WELL lol
Posted by Gongashplei 22nd October, 2003

damn man, this wont sit too well with my upcoming 'aaron adventures' (upcoming as in it havent done any work on it in 3 years)
Posted by aaron_brammer 22nd October, 2003

This game was made in two days, so i guessed i rushed it a little, im making a deluxe version with 8 direction movement for some of the levels, more cutscenes, extra levels, better graphics, better layout, actual options. Thing is i never even intended to make this game playable, it just sorta happened. The layout of the levels are too revolutionary to be comprehensible, and theres probably a reason why its never been done. I need to know which levels would need 8 direction, i already know two...
Posted by Jimmy Brzezicki 22nd October, 2003

I knew I guy called Aaron. He was a bit funny (no offence).
Posted by kenny326 22nd October, 2003

i dont get how to play. is it platform view or what?
Posted by aaron_brammer 23rd October, 2003

its platform overhead, its a surreal version of my life, so i made it surreal control system, if that makes sense...
Posted by aaron_brammer 24th October, 2003

hmmm, apparently the platform system i have is really addictive once you get used to it, none of my friends have ever played a game with a layout like this.
Posted by aaron_brammer 27th October, 2003

bastich, the update will have a more hardcore picture of me in the corner, plus i noticed how buggy this was, im regretting submitting it now.
Posted by Wilderness (Ultra Soft) 30th October, 2003

dl link doesnt work, even if i copynpaste.
Posted by aaron_brammer 31st October, 2003

the save target thing works fine
Posted by Wilderness (Ultra Soft) 9th November, 2003

now it does. last time i tried, it didnt.
Posted by xXAaronXx 22nd May, 2004

what the hell...





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