The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Drive 'Em Up ::. Taxi dash (Demo)

Taxi dash (Demo)
Author: Zane Submitted: 11th October, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Drive 'Em Up Downloads: 215

Edited By Zane on 10/11/2003

This is the demo of taxi dash.
you own a taxi company and your job is to put other taxi firms out of bussness. there are no management options as yet, or music as it hasent been written yet, or sfx as im haveing trouble finding the samlpes i need. there are several car upgrades to buy, improving style (affect how long customers will stay in cab), and performence.theres also a bank where you can take out a loan, and earn intrest on your account.
there are a couple of bugs which are explained in the read me. You MUST read the read me at the end of the installer, or you will be searching your computers directorys to find it.
please tell me if you find any bugs, or spelling mistakes.

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Posted by Zane 16th October, 2003

any comments?
Posted by Zane 18th October, 2003

No? Ok then.
Posted by Blackgaze 18th October, 2003

alright, i suppose
Posted by cjisle_2003 29th October, 2003

couldnt download it :(
Posted by cjisle_2003 29th October, 2003

Yipeeee great game dude help me plzzz
Posted by NUB 5th November, 2003

Repetative, Repetative, Repetative, Repetative, Repetative, Repetative, Repetative, Repetative, Repetative, Repetative, Repetative, Repetative, Repetative, Repetative, Repetative, Repetative, Repetative, Repetative, Repetative, Repetative, Repetative, Repetative, Repetative, Repetative. get the picture?
Posted by Naudas 15th February, 2004

Please tell Me how could i create my own games Write an instruction





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