The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Platformer ::. Luigi's New Mansion

Luigi's New Mansion
Author: joelr_2000 Submitted: 22nd March, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Platformer Downloads: 307

Edited By joelr_2000 on 4/10/2004

Edited By joelr_2000 on 3/31/2004

An 'old-skool' game i made back in the day after being bored one day, i thought i'd submit it for sumtin to do. It's based kinda on the same idea of 'luigi's mansion', but a 2D platform version, minus the vaccuum.

Luigi's mansion for some reason burns to the ground one day, and he purchases a new one. The game is basically Luigi running around his new mansion, exterminating all the boo's, until he finally confronts the boss boo at the end. It is not intended to be really good, so u's can diss it, i wont care.

It is normal platform gameplay, 'shift' is to jump, and wen to obtain the 'ghostbuster 5000', you use 'CTRL' to shoot it to exterminate the ghosts.


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Posted by istvan 22nd March, 2004

YAWN, another fan game.
Posted by Flava 22nd March, 2004

heh I remember this AGES ago.. and it was okay back then.. I remember the name Joel too *rubs chin*
Posted by BullDozer 22nd March, 2004

Joel_r truly knows how to rip sprites and put em in useless "games"... Cant you do something original, or at least sumfing you have made your self?
Posted by BullDozer 22nd March, 2004

Oh wait! Joel_r has used his superduper-specialpowers to TRANSFORM himself intooooo >drums< : Joelr_2000! Cool, dude, cool.....
Posted by Rude_Head 22nd March, 2004

Great game joel how did you invent this luigi character really original
Posted by Rude_Head 22nd March, 2004

I will have to agree with you on that one joel
Posted by joelr_2000 22nd March, 2004

ive had that user name for ages on hotmail, i thought i was joelr_2000 on that old ferg "site" (sorry) that use to be up a few years ago, ( I use to sumbmit me and my friends' games there. Gigamesh, is that where you know me and my friend (rude_head) from?? (eg. planet of the apes, going bananas etc.)
Posted by BullDozer 23rd March, 2004

@sakeido: wtf are you babbling about? "Discriminating against someone/something based simply on its look...." I didnt say its BS because the graphics are crap, i said it because he didnt createŽem himself (except the crappy backgrounds :-p) and didnt put much effort in what heŽs calling his game. So next before you start shut up! And btw, i thought the submission of games with ripped graphics was a thing of the past. But obviously it isnt.
Posted by Rude_Head 23rd March, 2004

Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 23rd March, 2004

No offense, but this kinda sucks. He moves to slow, the graphics are ripped, and the music bugs me. Again, no offense.
Posted by Sakeido 23rd March, 2004

I take back everything I said in defense of games with ripped graphics. This game is not cool... it just doesn't play very well. Since its three years old it might be excusable as a first effort but still.
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 24th March, 2004

Sorry. But it isn't that great. Its a first attempt, so I don't mind as much. It just gets frustrating after awhile.
Posted by 24th March, 2004

*cough Geeks want everything perfect,..... why dont you go create a game where geeks are kewl and dont get beaten up and where Gigabytes are like... kewl to talk about....... maybe you could programe yourselves a girlfriend too Good game joel!
Posted by joelr_2000 29th March, 2004

dam ur a pimp! nah, phizzy, ur a geek that gets maggot, and wants to look cool by going around the site posting messeges saying that ur drunk. yuck!
Posted by Jonas (Peasants) 8th April, 2004

WHY freewebs?! WHY????
Posted by Airflow 10th April, 2004

HERE SHE COMES TO WHECK THE DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! joelr_4 years behind.- Bitmaps on a web pages arn't cool.





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