The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Sport ::. Pov Air Hockey

Pov Air Hockey
Author: joelr_2000 Submitted: 11th March, 2006 Favourites:0
Genre: Sport Downloads: 188

Edited By joelr_2000 on 12/03/2006

joelr_2000 is back for one last game, the first since 'Sonic in Ghetto Island Demo', which created so much controversy, having been deleted and re-uploaded 3 times.

Pov Air Hockey provides the user with goal to goal action involving multiple options, 'First To', 'Timed' matches or the 'Crazy Puks' mode which gives the user high scores motivation.

A simple yet entertaining piece which will see joelr_2000 off from the world of game making forever.

Thanks for the good times, rude head sends his regards.


Review This Download (602 kkb )

Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 12th March, 2006

Just a note to say that this is one of those bizarre providers for which the screenshot(s) don't work unless you click on them first.
Posted by 12th March, 2006

Also that "Hot CLicking" Doesnt work for his host so dont bother trying the link copy and paste it.
Posted by Ski 12th March, 2006

NOT BAD! some of the programming seems dodgey, I like it because i made an air hockey game AGES ago, theyre quick and easy to make and damn i love air hockey!
Posted by 12th March, 2006

Im sorry but its quite screwey expecially the puck hitting your hitter thing. it llmost always makes the puck head towards your goal...
Posted by 12th March, 2006

Oh yeh don't install things under the windows folder put it in the program files....
Posted by Cecilectomy 12th March, 2006

looks neato

it'll take a little math and quite a few events but to make a good puckhittin thing code the direction according to where the puck's x is in terms of the paddles x when it collides. then use the y to tell it if it should go forward or back ward. so if the y is greater it goes towards your own goal if its smaller it goes towards the enemies goal.
Posted by joelr_2000 12th March, 2006

i dnt understand that legendkpr, but thanks anyway. 2 make it easier jst let the puk hit the hitter, wifout moving the hitter at all.
Can u explain that to me in more detail legendkpr just so i can make it better.
Thanks for your comments
Posted by Teapot 13th March, 2006

Not bad at all, someone should delete that review. All in it needs is a bit tidier presentation and better hit mechanics. I think I might make my own air hockey game now
Posted by joelr_2000 13th March, 2006

Someone explain to me in detail how to make it have better hitting mechanics, so i can fix it up and resubmit it.
Posted by joelr_2000 14th March, 2006

i attempted that not sure if i did it right, but anyway to no avail. if some1 wants to whip up an air hockey engine for me to look at thatll be great coz i ant that smart wif all this atm. im lookin at u phizz





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