The Adventures of Stridex Man
Author: | Retired Kliker Lazarus
Submitted: | 2nd April, 2004
Favourites: | 0 |
Genre: | Platformer
| Downloads: | 237
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Have you ever heard of a game staring a Stridex pill? I think not!
When I was clearing out an old CD of mine, I found this old game from either 2000 or 2001, entitled 'The Adventures of Stridex Man.' I then remembered this old game here. It was a mini-game I made a while back, where you played a little Stridex Pill who had to kill a whole army of evil Zits! Isn't that strange? God, maybe I made this after I that time I got a cuncushin or something.' In fact I have one now, because I didn't spell it right. Anyway's... In TAOSM you have to collect all the Stridex pads in the entire level. This activates your STRIDEX GUN. Now you must clear the level of all of the enimies (except for the small Zits, they can't be killed).
Again, this was ment to be a Vitlize Mini-game, but at the time I didn't know how to make a Vitlize game, (I had just bought CnC!) It uses an old, rather buggy, engine that is sort of like the one that Elf World Origanal used. It has 4 levels and a boss. The reason why I uploaded it is because it was playable, and fun (but annyoing at times!).
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