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Night Of Eternity
Author: Jason Orme Submitted: 10th January, 2005 Favourites:0
Genre: Adventure Downloads: 439

Edited By Jason Orme on 1/29/2005

Edited By Rikus on 1/10/2005

Night Of Eternity Demo V.1.0
Auther: Jason Orme /

Night Of Eternity is a role playing, adventure platformer.
You take the role of a 19 year old guy named Buck Mason, who has more potential than he thinks.

The game begins on a island called Woodland Coast, Buck was sent their for some form of community service.
Things get abit tense when people start getting injured and killed.

The game has RPG Elements with platforming action.

Also, all music and graphics are 100% Original, and are both composed by Jason Orme.

I have been making games for years, but within the past 2 years or so, my interest and heart just werent their anymore. Everything had such high standards and everyone just wanted to pick at little faults. The game making scene seemed a dead one.
Recently, I decided that game making is somthing I have always enjoyed doing from an early age, and I decided to give it one last shot, and thats when Night Of Eternity was created.
It wasnt really a game to impress people, it wasnt anything new or groundbreaking, it was somthing I hadnt tried before, and a way I could tell a story and enjoy doing so.
Hopefully with this game people will understand that how stupid a game may seem to you, it brings great satisfaction to the creator, and no matter how low you can make them feel with hurtful, uncreative comments, that if its somthing you enjoy doing, to do it anyway.

Things To Know About This Release

- The game is more story driven than gameplay, but gameplay will improve as you progress.

- There are still bugs that need working out.

- There is no game over, yet, this will come after the demo is released.

- Music is 100% Original, and took just as long as creating the graphics.

Please enjoy the game, and I hope you will understand that this game is for my enjoyment, and I just hope that other people will get just as much enjoyment out of it, as I did making it.


Visit The Official Night Of Eternity Website

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 Of Eternity/ (809kb )

Posted by Rikus 10th January, 2005

There i think i fixed the link now:)
Posted by Jason Orme 10th January, 2005

yeah, i did edit it a few times, but that was after i submitted the game. O.o Thanks :)
Posted by Rikus 10th January, 2005

Hi Jason, i just played night of eternity, its a great game, i love the fact that its a mix between an adventure and platform game. The programming, music and the graphics all very well done, i'm impressed. And its great that you can ease into the game with the instructions on how to do stuff. When will you release the full version, can't wait!:)
Posted by Jason Orme 10th January, 2005

Thanks so much, it may sound silly but I feel Honoured. As for the full version, that could take months, maybe a year.. the game itself will be very long due to the type of story (which player are not clear of yet). Chapter 1 starts from when the demo ends, and I'm planning on mayne 8 Chapters. The positive feedback is somthing which makes me work at a game much more, and if it continues like it has done (had some from small clicking sites) then progress will be much quicker, and new demos can be released more often. I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I hope everyone else does. :)
Posted by vortex2 10th January, 2005

Cool game very neat idea combing the platform and RPG elements. I did notice a green diamound on the second level after the first training level (the purple one) which I bet isnt supposed to be there :P. Still nice game, keep up the good work :). Can't wait for the final game :D.
Posted by Jason Orme 10th January, 2005

a green diamound.. odd.. i dont think ive even seen that. But thanks :)
Posted by Teapot 11th January, 2005

Hmmm...nice that the default platform engine though?
Posted by Jason Orme 11th January, 2005

yeah, I'm not as hip as these youngsters with their fast cars and their static engines.
Posted by izac 11th January, 2005

i've played some good games made by MMF and TGF but this game has passed them all!;).. welldone, good music, good graphics and good gameplay!:), 10/10
Posted by Jason Orme 11th January, 2005

Thanks alot, that means alot. I didnt think I'd get such a good response. btw, reviews are welcome *hint hint, nudge nudge* ;)
Posted by eyeangle 11th January, 2005

same old...
Posted by Chris Burrows 11th January, 2005

yeah that game is awesome. well done!
Posted by Jason Orme 11th January, 2005

Posted by david-clarke 11th January, 2005

V. good, I encourage you to continue it
Posted by -_darkman_- 11th January, 2005

Excellent work Jason,keep it up man!
Posted by Jason Orme 11th January, 2005

Thanks Phizzy, David, Darkman.
Posted by Mephistex 11th January, 2005

Fairly good engine, fairly good graphics and, most surprising of all, fairly well written. Good job.
Posted by Devernath 11th January, 2005

nice story, nice gameplay, nice gfx, but can u make it full-screen please? it hurts my eyes..
Posted by vortex2 11th January, 2005

The green diamound seems to move with the player, perhaps it is some kind of detector? it was only seen for like a minute and went away.
Posted by Tauman 12th January, 2005

Good stuff, but I've found a few bugs: -If ya tap really fast through text then sometimes you go into...DUN DUN DUNNNNN! Infinite empty text boxes of nevergoingawayness! -I ran out of hearts...Isn't there supposed to be some, ya know, DYING that happens? (perhaps jus a one time glitch) -I got enough exp fer levelup, it reset to zero and the amount needed went up appropriately but...still level 1! 0_o' Keep working on it, I look forward to future versions.
Posted by Jason Orme 12th January, 2005

"-If ya tap really fast through text then sometimes you go into...DUN DUN DUNNNNN! Infinite empty text boxes of nevergoingawayness! " Yeah, i know about that. Somthing which needs to be fixed. "-I ran out of hearts...Isn't there supposed to be some, ya know, DYING that happens? (perhaps jus a one time glitch)" To quote myself: -------------------------------- Things To Know About This Release --------------------------------- There is no game over, yet, this will come after the demo is released. "-I got enough exp fer levelup, it reset to zero and the amount needed went up appropriately but...still level 1! 0_o'" The maximum you can reach on this demo is level 2 with alittle bit of exp points, this is if you kill all the bad guys. I will have to look into this, as I dont think no one else has experienced it. "Keep working on it, I look forward to future versions" Thank you
Posted by Jason Orme 12th January, 2005

oh and vortex, yeah they are value counters, not sure why they appeared on screen though as they are set with platform movement and are at the bottom of the screen and should just fall and never be seen, i will have to check their positions, or destroy them at start.
Posted by Jason Orme 12th January, 2005

Devernath, I made it this size as I have a flatscreen LCD, and for some reason the refresh rate isnt fast enough so objects flicker. But however, i surpose I could make 2 versions.
Posted by Jason Orme 12th January, 2005

Great review Shroomlock. thanks alot :) Btw, every problem mentioned by everyone is going to be written down, and then fixed. So hopefully for the second release, it will be more enjoyable :) now, i will stop my posting spree and allow for more comments, O.o
Posted by ChaosMaster04 12th January, 2005

This was surprisingly good. There have been a fair few mediocre platform/adventure games popping up, but this really seems to be off to a good start! The system, despite being basedof the much-hated default platform movement, works nicely, the counters and level up system are superb. One thing stood out at the moment, if it wasn't for the fact you couldn't die, those frog enemies would be damn hard, its tough getting near enough to hit them without taking a hit, and with only 3 hearts this could become a problem. Apart from that, and the glitches such as text boxes and infinate-level-up-dead-but-not-dead enemies, this is a top quality demo, especially for a first release, good job!
Posted by Jason Orme 12th January, 2005

Thanks :) As for the frogs, making contact with them doesnt harm you, only their tongues do.
Posted by SoftWarewolf 12th January, 2005

well that was short.. it was good but not that fun i think
Posted by Jason Orme 12th January, 2005

yeah, its not really fun yet, and its not really meant to be fun yet. After all this is a prologue of a 8 chapter story. or as other people have said "short, but sweet" ;)
Posted by Sean Kelly 12th January, 2005

cant wait for full version. but just as the story started to drag me in it stopped.): be sure 2 put save game on full version.
Posted by Jason Orme 12th January, 2005

Thanks for the great review sean, And I'm glad you enjoyed it :) A save game feature will definatly be included.. although I have to learn how to do it, which may delay the next release some more.
Posted by -_darkman_- 12th January, 2005

Yeah very enjoyable,great as usual Jason
Posted by Jason Orme 12th January, 2005

Thanks :D
Posted by AfterStar 12th January, 2005

Very nice and enjoyable game. Good Gfx, -suprising- ORIGINAL and good music and sounds and gameplay. I want to point out some bugs that i came along while playing: -When leveling up with EXP. after gaining ENOUGH experience for leveling to level 2,it seems there is a mistake in the counter and it level you up to level 1 again. Afterwards leveling up is correct and you level up 1-1 level normally. I think you put your counter for leveling to start from 0 instead of 1...maybe?! -I was repeatedly hitting CTRLfor hitting enemies and a frog just became RED and froze there for a reason...and i was able to FREE-LEVEL UP by hitting him and taking 5EXP each time,after level 6 i stopped hitting him. -Spider:I don't know if its deliberately,but the spider seems to be overpowered.I was hitting it and hitting it for a minute there until it dies. -As usual(when using TGF in big games) there is the TGF sound glitch that occurs quite often. Please if you can when you finish your game import it to MMF,or use MMF to create it,or have someone else change it for you,so TGF bugs stop annoying ppl and ruin such a lovely game. -If possible try using your own custom engine.The hero can easily get stuck in things or problesm occur. -Like people said before,the tapping too fast in texts bug. -The Gem bug as mentioned also before ...some minor glitches can't remember but anyway... Tutorials about SAVE/LOAD making and custom engines and all are all over the place,just look in TDC tutorials section or even better in clickteam's Tutorials/Learning page! I hope this comes out as good as Eternal Daughter had in the old days...or even better :P Jason are you working on your own? Doing everything? Nevertheless good luck buddy.One thing i want to say its DO NOT RUSH UP,noone is rushing you up(well maybe some crazy TDC members but..ok),take your time and enjoy creating your game.This could be the next "Eternal Daughter" :D Looking Forward to this one.
Posted by AfterStar 12th January, 2005

One more thing. In-game tutorials are a good extra in the game,but please do not make tutorials about something extremely simple and dum like...Having a 2-3min tutorial to teach that pressing CTRL activates attack and can hurt enemies,its pretty obvious,so you should just add a small text-note saying:"Pressing CTRL attacks enemies" Or something. Make tutorials for something complex,not something that is in my opinion dum. You could have a tutorial for giving advice how to take on different enemies,different weapons better for some occasions ect. I'm not trying to be harsh or anything,but i do believe you will agree with me on that.
Posted by Jason Orme 12th January, 2005

"-When leveling up with EXP. after gaining ENOUGH experience for leveling to level 2,it seems there is a mistake in the counter and it level you up to level 1 again. Afterwards leveling up is correct and you level up 1-1 level normally. I think you put your counter for leveling to start from 0 instead of 1...maybe?!" I havnt noticed this myself, so I will have to run through a few times, maybe its an uncommen event. "-I was repeatedly hitting CTRLfor hitting enemies and a frog just became RED and froze there for a reason...and i was able to FREE-LEVEL UP by hitting him and taking 5EXP each time,after level 6 i stopped hitting him." Yeah, I know about that one, I'm currently working on it. "-Spider:I don't know if its deliberately,but the spider seems to be overpowered.I was hitting it and hitting it for a minute there until it dies." When the "3" comes out of the spider, it means it has been hit, the idea is to hit the spider as it swings back. Although I might change this for the next version. "-As usual(when using TGF in big games) there is the TGF sound glitch that occurs quite often. Please if you can when you finish your game import it to MMF,or use MMF to create it,or have someone else change it for you,so TGF bugs stop annoying ppl and ruin such a lovely game." The game was created in MMF, the latest build too. I dont know what sound glitch.. if you could explain that would be geat. "-If possible try using your own custom engine.The hero can easily get stuck in things or problesm occur." Yeah, a few people have suggested a custom engine, but that just makes things unnessercarily complicated, but what I'm trying to do is make the defualt engine as none glitchy as possible. "-Like people said before,the tapping too fast in texts bug." Yeah, I will have to work some things out with counters -The Gem bug as mentioned also before yeah, i will have to find that too.. "Tutorials about SAVE/LOAD making and custom engines and all are all over the place,just look in TDC tutorials section or even better in clickteam's Tutorials/Learning page! " Yeah, I did look at some, but they seemed rather complicated. "I hope this comes out as good as Eternal Daughter had in the old days...or even better" Eternal Daughter was a masterpiece in its own right, I wouldnt want to take its place. "Jason are you working on your own? Doing everything? " Yup, just me.. Music, Graphics, Story, Coding. I do have lots of spare time ;) "Nevertheless good luck buddy.One thing i want to say its DO NOT RUSH UP,noone is rushing you up(well maybe some crazy TDC members but..ok),take your time and enjoy creating your game.This could be the next "Eternal Daughter" Looking Forward to this one." Thanks alot :)
Posted by AfterStar 13th January, 2005

There is a sound glitch.Sometimes a sound starts repeating in an infinite loop and the game is not moving unless you press-click a button and it gets annoying and i have to close the game... Don;t know if other people have encountered this but i do know its an TGF sound glitch. In JohnysRPG many people complained about that sound glitch but he was using TGF,u are using MMF...hmm strange....!
Posted by Jason Orme 13th January, 2005

yeah, i think remember that glitch in tgf, the one where say, you hit an enemy and it plays the noise, and the game freezes and it keeps repeating the sound until until it pops up not respondings, or end task. Ive never actually encountered that while using mmf.
Posted by Jason Orme 14th January, 2005

just letting you all know, that Ive fixed the enemy killing problem, where they freeze, ive also fixed the pressing shift too fast on text boxes problem, Of course, these will not be seen until the next demo release.
Posted by mojofltr 14th January, 2005

This is probably the best klik game that I've ever downloaded. I'm not even into RPG games, but I played this demo all the way through and I can't wait to see more! :-)
Posted by Jason Orme 14th January, 2005

Thanks alot, glad you enjoyed it :)
Posted by Jason Orme 29th January, 2005

Visit the Official Night Of Eternity Website
Posted by Leon101 6th February, 2005

Very good game, it will defently be a keeper when the full game comes out, i don't want to do a full review, until the full version comes out, but i will say in a comment, that was the best game on here so far, very good graphics, and sound, good storyline (for what I saw) and great gameplay, keep up the good work.
Posted by Jason Orme 8th February, 2005

Thanks Andy :)
Posted by Jason Orme 11th February, 2005

Yeah, i too thought that was a rather bold statement.
Posted by tigereye 8th May, 2005

Very very good game ! YO
Posted by The Penguin Murder 29th May, 2005

Hey, this was a fairly good game, the people graphics were cute, but not the best, the enemies looked good. The fighting was all right, but I ran out of hearts really fast, so when dying is implemented, it may be too difficult, or maybe I just suck. The music was great, the gameplay was fun and it'ss too early to tell about anything story wise. Good job, finish it!
Posted by Jason Orme 1st June, 2005

thank you for the still arriving comments, i check back here from time to time so feel free to still comment on the game.
Posted by Del Duio 16th March, 2006

This is a very cool game. I liked the large area names and how they faded away before each stage. The training area is also very cool where you first learn to fight with the sword. The few enemies I fought (mostly frogs and spiders) were done very well and were not that difficult for starting enemies, which is what you'd want anyhow. For a game with the default platform movement, I really couldn't tell. If I didn't read it first I wouldn't have known.

One SMALL thing, and it's very fixable- There are quite a few spelling / grammar errors but those should be wicked easy to correct.

And also, I leveled up but is there a way to increase your statistics manually, or is it all automatic?

Finish this game man, I want to play it!
Posted by Heart Break Kid 11th May, 2006

good .. story line is intresting , player/enemies graphics could have been more better thou. Nice job!






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