The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Beat 'Em Up ::. Jesus The Arcade Game DEMO

Jesus: The Arcade Game DEMO
Author: Jason Orme Submitted: 6th February, 2007 Favourites:0
Genre: Beat 'Em Up Downloads: 236

Edited By Jason Orme on 3/20/2010

Edited By Jason Orme on 2/6/2007


Sorry for the delay on releasing this demo/game.. but its lucky it got released at all as i'm currently thinking of abandoning it due to having much more important priorities in life right now. I needed to clean it up and finish it enough so atleast it got to see the light of day as there just arent enough beat em ups in the klik community.

I had lots of fun working on this game, but I feel the time has passed for it, but overall i'm pleased with the artwork and animation I have made, and I hope you will appriciate it too.


Jesus: The Arcade Game is my latest creation using my TMNT Engine (see other downloads).

You take on the role of the son of God himself and are resurrected yet again to take on the forces of evil.
In this demo you will venture through 2 different locations, The burning church and the forest, fighting the forces of hell who have been summoned to earth, from demon knights, zombies and KKK Clan members, swinging a piece of wood broken off the same crucifix Jesus was crucified on.

Hit enough enemies to automatically unleash the power of god, as he strikes down with his mighty fist, knocking over anything in his path.

"He was nailed to a two-by-four. Now he's taking that your FACE!"

Devin Townsend once said, "It's just Entertainment, folks", So please don't take this game the wrong way, I am not in any KKK club, Neo-Nazi or a relative of The Devil and I do not beileve in the teachings of the Bible, this game is for the sole purpose of entertainment, nothing more.

Demo Includes:

2 parts of level 1.
4 different types of enemies.
God special attack.


There are known problems such as clipping issues and shadows, the main problem is if 2 enemies die at the sametime, somtimes the screen will no longer scroll, if this happenes, press ENTER to spawn a new enemy (or alternativly, restart).

Shift: Jump
CTRL: Attack
Arrows: Move
Automatic: Special Attack

I'd also like to thank Konami, for the great inspiration they have given me from their late 80's to early 90's arcade games.


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Posted by Plooscva 7th February, 2007

1st comment
Posted by Tim 7th February, 2007

As 'politically incorrect' as it is - the graphics are enticing me to play
Posted by Zezard 7th February, 2007

Haha, great idea and game, I like it a lot! ;D
But why did you release just a Demo? I cant see any reason not to make the full game when you have gotten that far (except for laziness). I didnt even get to fight a boss!

Posted by steve 7th February, 2007

i'm a huge fan of these old style scrolling beat em ups (I still play Double Dragon on the GBA)

This demo is very good in some ways but fatally flawed in many others.

*Jesus's hitting animations are not good enough (especially as the player has to watch them so often)
His whole body needs to move with emphasis on swinging the wood hard.

*Collision detection is wildly off, not sure how this has happened in your system but you need to look into it - often times the wood is no-where near the enemy but they are still "hit".

*Movement of Jesus is sticky against backdrops (i'm guessing its 8 dir movement with "stop" on obstacles? )

*The combo system and consequence of hits on enemies is not very satisfying (mostly due to bad animations)but something is definatly missing here, you need to study the classics that inspired you more closely.

*The bug that prevent the game scrolling onward should be easy to fix - when no enemy is left. I am wondering if you may need to change the setting of "handle background collisions even off screen" to on and make the enemy not destroy when far from playfield - things like this may solve it.

Despite all these problems I will give this a thumbs up, you've put alot of effort into backdrops and stuff and I hope you continue and make this a fun game.
Posted by steve 7th February, 2007

Oh yea, one other thing - The God Fist special move shouldnt happen automatically in my opinion - there should be a button so you can choose when to use it.
Posted by Jason Orme 7th February, 2007

"But why did you release just a Demo? I cant see any reason not to make the full game when you have gotten that far (except for laziness). I didnt even get to fight a boss!"

Maybe you are unaware how time consuming drawing and animation is? As stated in the download details "I've more important priorities in life right now".

steve - thanks for the tips. The fighting isn't that nice and crisp combat like double dragon and final fight etc. Its more like the first TMNT which was very loose (of course, thats not to say mine doesnt need improvment, as it does).

The main scroll problem is a bug with MMF2, its a problem with the built in counters, if 2 things die at the same time that need to add a point each, it other gives 1, or 0, since the TMNT Engine I havnt found a way around this.

Thanks for the comments.

I'm just glad I managed to finally get this demo released, rather than it just be another game no-one ever see's like the many 1000's on my computer.
Posted by steve 7th February, 2007

heh, I know how you feel Jason - I often make games with just 1 level and then can't be bothered to make anymore.

I actually did play the first TMNT alot in the arcades, it was one of the things I looked forward to when the fair came to our town each year as they always had it

I really loved all the Konami fighting game classics - Crime Fighters, Vendetta TMNT etc they all had an enticing atmosphere to them and were alot of fun.

About the scrolling/enemy death problem - sounds like you need to rewrite the whole system for detecting when enemy dies!? :S I don't know but it really shouldnt be that complicated

Good luck with it anyway
Posted by Jason Orme 7th February, 2007

Indeed those Konami classics were great. I nearly have the full set of 4 player Konami PCB's, having recently got my arcade machines delivered to my new house must have just inspired me to get this released.

Yeah, seems like i'm going to have to make a new engine from scratch, maybe not for this game, but for future games, with a much better points/scroll/enemy death counter.

I've been needing to make an open source beat em up engine anyway, the TMNT Engine just isn't right to make open-source (too many problems).
Posted by Dr. James MD 7th February, 2007

It's a little broken. I did the whole CTRL+Y to use my controller. Well directions work, buttons don't? They still seem to be mapped out onto the keyboard.
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 7th February, 2007

This is hawt.
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 7th February, 2007

Oh, on the second level the game stops for me. Jesus never leaves the church.
Posted by Johnny Look 7th February, 2007

Usually I don't download demos but this one is AWESOME |
Posted by Jason Orme 7th February, 2007

Adamski, as stated in the write-up

"the main problem is if 2 enemies die at the sametime, somtimes the screen will no longer scroll, if this happenes, press ENTER to spawn a new enemy (or alternativly, restart)"

Jimmi☺ - The game hasnt been set-up to be used with a controller, much like the TMNT Engine. This however can be a future fix.
Posted by Ski 7th February, 2007

I would like to point out that that is the other Adamski pretending to be me. Its lazarus in disguise. He has been asked to change his name.
Posted by Dr. James MD 7th February, 2007

Good to hear Jason! Bought myself one of them wired 360 controllers for my computer and it's great sitting back on the big screen playing these 2D games.
Posted by -Liam- 7th February, 2007

Wow, this looks rather good. Will download soon I think.
Posted by Jason Orme 7th February, 2007

Jimmi☺, hmmm.. thats a great idea.. I too have a wired 360 controller, never thought of connecting it to the computer.

How well does the analog stick work?
Posted by Reno 8th February, 2007

this looks fun *downloads*
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 8th February, 2007

"I would like to point out that that is the other Adamski pretending to be me. Its lazarus in disguise. He has been asked to change his name."

Well, it was obviously a joke. You haven't uploaded anything, where as I uploaded loads and loads of useless junk.

Posted by Bo Fu 8th February, 2007

This is great. Keep making it or you may find a dead rat in your mailbox.
Posted by ncsoftware 9th February, 2007

I may be the only one, but I do find this very offensive. You may not believe yourself in the teaching of the Bible, but that doesn't give you the right to offend those that do. I do find this sickening entertainment.
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 9th February, 2007

Hey, I'm Christian, too, and I think this is fucking hilarious.
Posted by steve 9th February, 2007

i dunno, at least he is beating up bad guys. It's not like that "Seal Slaughter Simulator" or whatever it was called in the forums.
Posted by Hugo B. 9th February, 2007

"I may be the only one, but I do find this very offensive. You may not believe yourself in the teaching of the Bible, but that doesn't give you the right to offend those that do. I do find this sickening entertainment."

Man that's too bad, i had been working on a Real Time Strategy game where you have control over the forces of evil for over 8 months now. It would have had 4 levels with seperate end-bosses to destroy:
Level 1: Battle the local church population, and when you have annihilated them all, you have to crusify the local priest
Level 2: Skirmish with the church magistrates and take on the pope in a fierce battle (i had a secret planned which allowed you to gang-rape him!)
Level 3: Go in a time-machine to seek out and destroy maria, to prevent Jezus from being born
Level 4: Final showdown; battle the devine angels and challenge mr.god himself for a one on one. Defeating Mr.God in HARD-mode will unlock a decapitation scene, how's that for a finishing move!
But since you find the game above already offensive, i decided to cancel the whole project and deleted everything..

I've got nothing against religious people, but i do have a problem with people who think they can tell others where their right of expression stops (Quote: "doesn't give you the right to offend those that do"). @ GameFun4U; it's too bad you don't have any sense of humor and can't put things in perspective. But where would be the limit of what should be allowed and what not? In that sense, your reaction is just as scary as the Taliban in Afganistan, who tell women to cover themselves up and forbid expressions like music, television and newspapers based upon their believes. So throw away your PC, television and stereoset RIGHT NOW, because you are offending the Taliban!!
Posted by Hugo B. 9th February, 2007

P.S. Great game, you succesfully made it look like those oldschool beat em ups. Golden Axe has always been my favorite... Thumbs up!
Posted by Jason Orme 9th February, 2007

GameFun4U: I'm sorry to hear that, your the first person yet to have found the game offensive.

I respect everyones opinion and I give a big thumbs up to those Christains who can see the game for what it is. A Game.

But if your going to vote thumbs down because you are offended, than I have to say that you have failed to understand what the Daily Click is all about.
Posted by ncsoftware 9th February, 2007

I really don't see why people who do not even believe in the Bible should make games based on the themes in it. If you don't even believe in Jesus why even make a game with Him in it?

At least you could read the Bible and know who you're making a game about and then you would have come up with something completely different for sure.

As for Christains supporting it, that's up to them. All I know is that God askes His followers to not use His name in vain and honor Him in all they do and this surely isn't doing Him much honor.

I'm just dissapointed that you've choosed Jesus as the main character for your game, using His name in vain and certainly not giving him the credit he deserves. He's more then a means for entertainment. He deserves better then that.
Posted by Jason Orme 9th February, 2007

I don't see why people who DO beileve in the Bible have the right to tell others what is right or wrong.

I have indeed read the Bible, my wife came from a very strict catholic school

I don't beileve I have used the lords name in vain, this can be seen as a tribute. The games to be taken however you please (much like the teachings of the Bible).

I gave Jesus alot of credit. days and days of drawing and animation, a game after him.

You have the right to your own opinoin and I respect that, but please refrain from dictating your beliefs at me.

If you don't like it, don't play it, and if you did play it, Jesus forgives you and loves you (but you already knew that anyway).

Posted by ~Matt Esch~ 9th February, 2007

"refrain from dictating your beliefs at me" ... practice what you preach.
Posted by Jason Orme 9th February, 2007

Playing a game is a choice, its not being forced upon you and isn't preaching any message other than "It's Just Entertainment Folks!".

There is nothing malicious about it or behind it.

Jesus is the hero, not the enemy.

It's just good old fun with a formilier character that everyone can relate to, in the style of Konami's early 90's scrolling beat em ups.

That's all, and if you find that offensive, then I feel sorry for you, I really do.

Posted by ben mercer 10th February, 2007

hahahaha is this inspired by the "bible games" discussion in last weeks talking topic?
Posted by 10th February, 2007

hahaha jesus
Posted by Jason Orme 10th February, 2007

ben mercer: No, I've been working on it since early December. (If only I could work that fast).
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 10th February, 2007

Maybe you can make unlockable bonus characters! Mohammad, Buddah, L Ron Hubbard...
Posted by Jason Orme 10th February, 2007

I was thinking of having a 2 player version, the 2nd player being Moses.
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 10th February, 2007

Oooh! Awesome! He can part water!
Posted by Reno 12th February, 2007

Posted by Dr. James MD 12th February, 2007

I've got nothing against religious people, the ones I've asked have nothing against the theme of the game. You play an ass-kicking Jesus. If anything it's a tribute.

Oh hey, Jason. I got some wicked sick hatemail from religious folks who played Satan Sam! You got any yet? Makes for a brilliant read. I got accused of being a Satanist n everything
and the analogue stick sucks. but you can use the D-Pad. Works pretty good for 2D stuff.
Posted by Jason Orme 12th February, 2007

I've had a range from hate mail from religious people to praise from religious people.

The hate mail just shows how ignorant some people are, while the praise shows that not everyone feels the same way as the ignorant ones.

A game of this nature was bound to have split groups.

I've had the whole satanist thing thrown at me too. If only Christain minds were not manipulated into thinking Satanism is about killing animals and desctuction, infact the church of satan morals are how a normal person lives their life everyday.

Here are the Eleven Satanic Rules Of The Earth:

I don't know about you, but there's nothing evil about that. Afterall, wasn't it the catholics who killed the protestants, and doesnt one of the 10 commandments say according to both Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21 "You shall not murder".

I rest my case.
Posted by Christodoulou Apps 14th February, 2007

Great game! Don't listen to anyone Jason. Finish the game
Posted by cake 14th February, 2007

Haha I enjoyed this. The idea is bloody brilliant. With a piece of the crucifix itself, hahaha.

Definately needs some work on the combos and animations, also the depth of collision detection; I'd be like up above someone and do a fly kick and would hit them, even through theyre closer to the viewer than Jesus is, if you get me.

Still it rocks pretty hard. Go Jesus! Go!
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 14th February, 2007

Being Christian doesn't mean you can't have a sense of humor...
Posted by DistantJ [FZ Games] 27th June, 2007

Posted by Codemonkey 19th July, 2008

LOL :11. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.

4. If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy.

What the?!

Posted by Mark McCauley 20th March, 2010

Lol I'm not offended ,It's all fun , I had similar Idea way back of a gods army type game in which the good side could use saints,angels, and the whole plethora of church employees to rain apocalypse upon the evil swarthes - jeez its only a game, oops sorry for taking thy name in vain o lord whose merciful forgiveness doth wash over us- question if god forgives- how come all mankind and indeed womankind are still being punished for one man and one womans mistake,apple anyone?
Posted by Jason Orme 20th March, 2010

Just letting everyone know the URL has been changed to a flash release of the game thats alittle less buggy.





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