The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Platformer ::. Scurvy Sanchez 3

Scurvy Sanchez 3
Author: Phredreeke Submitted: 10th June, 2005 Favourites:0
Genre: Platformer Downloads: 295

Edited By Phredreeke on 9/26/2008

Edited By PhreddySE [One Hand Writers] on 1/31/2007

Play as Scurvy Sanchez again, in the third installment in the Scurvy Sanchez series. After rescuing Sarah, Sanchez is hoping for a nice vacation... until he's thrown off his ship in a storm, crashing into the forests of Isle Reinal... This game features:

Custom made engine for optimal game play and control
5 levels of different terrains
Buy tools to get further in the game
Original graphics and music
Multiple save files, marked by date
Parallax backgrounds (can optionally be disabled for low end computers)
Many extras, including captain mode (replay at harder difficulty), art galleries, a quiz game and a music test
Connectivity with future games
A cameo by Phizzy!!!

Both download links are down. However, a new version is in the works!

Review This Download (5.47mb )

Posted by Phredreeke 10th June, 2005

Read Noodle's review here:
Posted by Joshua M. 10th June, 2005

Yay! It's finally out!
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 10th June, 2005

Downloading... (I'll try to review it, but end-of-year exams have taken up most of my time.) :P
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 10th June, 2005

Wow! This is great! I love the 3D menu/intro! :D
Posted by Nuklear41 10th June, 2005

I never really liked these games. Good though.
Posted by Nuklear41 10th June, 2005

Yes it does. It is a good quality game but I don't like the ........just the idea............oh shit.....well it is good but i never really liked the games. This is the best of the three.
Posted by Phredreeke 11th June, 2005

Phizzy: Maybe next game?
Posted by Phredreeke 11th June, 2005

Note: This is NOT the same game as the old demo. It does not have the laggy backgrounds. Please do not vote unless you play the game first!
Posted by Joshua M. 11th June, 2005

Why isn't this on the frontpage? :p XD
Posted by The Chris Street 11th June, 2005

Because I haven't had a chance to put it there yet, I didn't accept the game ;)
Posted by Joshua M. 11th June, 2005

Ahh :) k
Posted by axel 11th June, 2005

You didn't mention ME! :'(
Posted by Phredreeke 11th June, 2005

Ok... Any of you who voted down. Do you dare tell me what's bad about the game?
Posted by Cheeky Girl 12th June, 2005

omg that phizzy thing i did not want 2 see! :'(
Posted by DaVince 12th June, 2005
Rated :

Erm... you seem to have forgotten about my beta-testing comments... :( Some platforms are still too blocky and some stuff is still too unclear... Oh well. Good job anyway.
Posted by DaVince 12th June, 2005
Rated :

Ah right. I just heard it will be updated to a better version later. ^_^
Posted by AndyUK 12th June, 2005

It crashed shortly after starting the game... shame. I didn't get very far with ss2 either.
Posted by Phredreeke 12th June, 2005

it crashed? o.O
Posted by AndyUK 12th June, 2005

so do a few mmf games, its my pc not the game.
Posted by ripthor 12th June, 2005

Ghh... Can't stand the control! Moves and jumps too slow. Plus you can't ontrol the jump height. That sword slash is not terrible either. But congrats on making your own graphics and music! :)
Posted by Dustin Gunn 13th June, 2005

Wow... just... wow... that's all I can say. These are some of the worst controls in the history of games, and I couldn't help but burst out laughing at the sword "attack." Sorry man, I wouldn't be so harsh but I feel it's my duty after everyone else mislead me into downloading it with insanely upnote comments.
Posted by Phredreeke 13th June, 2005

I agree that I could have spent some more frames on the sword attack. But what's so bad about the controls? The fact that you have to brake to turn around?
Posted by Nuklear41 13th June, 2005

I gave you a thumbs up because the quality is good. But I dont like the series. No offence.
Posted by Nuklear41 13th June, 2005

His arms bug the shit out of me.
Posted by Noyb 13th June, 2005

You might want to check the code for events that occur when Sanchez lands on platforms. In the first level, the game plays the landing sound effect when jumping up through platforms. In the last level, platforms that are supposed to fall moments after you land on them start counting down if you jump through them as well. The main problem I see in the sword attack is the disparity between its slow, jerky animation compared with the fast, smooth "whoosh" sound effect. The controls are solid, and the levels are well-designed, however.
Posted by hishnak 14th June, 2005

Good game. The landing sound was a little off though. And the attack animation should have been faster as Noyb said.
Posted by Jason Orme 14th June, 2005

I have to agree with Dustin Gunn.
Posted by Phredreeke 15th June, 2005

Excuse me, can you be a little more precise? What about the controls is it you don't like...? The braking? The (de)acceleration? The jumping?
Posted by Dustin Gunn 15th June, 2005

Yes, the deacceleration, yes the jumping, the speed of it all, it's just very bad.
Posted by axel 15th June, 2005

you've actually been playing a old(er) version here, i was gonna add some nice stuff to it but phredreeke submitted it before i got the chance to send him the other version :P Well, it'll hopefully be released with SS special edition, so... patience....
Posted by Noyb 15th June, 2005

I'm probably missing something important, but what are you actually supposed to do in the spike ball segment of the volcano level? I've tried dodging them for a music loop or two, and tried attacking the spiked balls, but nothing seems to do anything.
Posted by Phredreeke 16th June, 2005

Hit the chains. You must hit them on the way down. With the right positioning, it's possible without getting hit. (Stand right next to where they are coming down next, slash and jump)
Posted by Noyb 16th June, 2005

Thanks. I guess I was attacking when they were going up before.
Posted by axel 17th June, 2005

that's kinda... fixed in the newer version :P There they fall off too and stuff ;)
Posted by Windybeard Games 16th July, 2005

harsh comments people, i thought it was better than most of the tripe ive played here, landing sfx was a bad choice though. i say good job to both of you. and brave move on the backgrounds
Posted by DaVince 10th July, 2010
Rated :

I remember this.






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