The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Miscellaneous ::. Copulation

Author: MJK Submitted: 22nd March, 2006 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 322

Edited By MJK on 22/03/2006

Edited By MJK on 22/03/2006

This is my first entry to this site - small, simple, vitalized game. Graphics are quite minimal (no animation whatsoever). One session takes approximately 1-5 minutes to play.


COPULATION is basically a reaction game, where fast eyes and fast clicking finger with a pinch of "strategic" viewpoint form the best possible combination for success. Also luck is an advantage naturally, too.

The main goal of the game is to sustain "life" on the screen as long as possible. You must isolate male (blue dot) + female (red dot) groups from the outside environment by a mouse click. That forms a spawn-spot for them to interact without interruption and in the best occasion to produce new male and female individuals to the screen for further copulation. You’re also able to form groups of many individuals (that is, gangbangs!) where the copulation rate will multiply if the both sexes are somewhat equally represented.

There is one threat around, the Black Death (black dot), which occurs every now and then. You must isolate this disease from all the living organisms or otherwise it will be widely infectious and - eventually - end all life on the screen. Every game will end to the dominance of Black Death.

Your final score comes from the average number of living organisms multiplied by total seconds of survival, plus a bonus from the biggest number of organisms you were able to get on the screen at the same time. Good score equals something like 20,000 points. The most essential ability in this game is to react fast and catch the most potential groups for hi-rate copulation, and also to isolate Black Death very fast. This means a trade-off between "offensive" and "defensive" approaches.

Every individuals (male and female) have their personal energy levels which will decrease over time. They will reproduce new individuals if bumped enough to each other inside of an isolation circle (spawn-spot). Individuals of the same sex (e.g. male+male) will act hostily towards each other and, thus, waste their energy levels in fighting instead of fertilising the females. Born individuals have also a short period of childhood when they are not able to reproduce with the other sex.

The game contains also an alternative mode called the "Unlimited Fun" mode which allows the user to adjust 8 different factors of the game, such as the reproducing rate, energy levels and the frequency of Black Death. WARNING: the game may slow down dramatically if the default settings are modified, as it's possible to generate even thousands of living individuals to the screen at the same time.

Left mouse click - set an isolation circle
Backspace - delete every active isolation circle (if Black Death isn't around)
Space - Halve the energy levels of all the living orgamisms
Right mouse click - disable/enable visible energy levels.

Play the game at or at

Direct link to the game file on the V-Cade server

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 (473 kkb )
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Posted by Klikmaster 22nd March, 2006

Hmm, not working :/
Posted by norfair 22nd March, 2006

geocities sucks.
Posted by MJK 22nd March, 2006

Yes, Geocities truly sucks, sorry for that. Try the direct link to the ccn-file, it should work. I'll try to fix those screenshots too.
Posted by Nudlez 22nd March, 2006

I havent downloaded it yet, but I made a game like this onec. How about adding mutations to individuals and food so that one might simulate natural selection. That would be cool.
Posted by MJK 22nd March, 2006

Nudlez, those are good ideas, but this game is perhaps more like just a simple reaction game than any kind of real simulator, as you see when you try it. Only 400 kb, give it a go..
Posted by Reno 22nd March, 2006

I like it. good concept but it is missing something
Posted by Simon Colmer 22nd March, 2006

good game, 16500
Posted by Assault Andy 22nd March, 2006

Fun.. Simply Fun!
Posted by Joshtek 23rd March, 2006

Fun, simple and addictive - what a Vitalized game should be. 33850 .

Saying that, it lacks depth and variety.
Posted by Dalal 23rd March, 2006

Fun game...
Posted by 23rd March, 2006

Nice game,I dont like the (pimp) thing though..

I got in 3rd place online!

Posted by MJK 23rd March, 2006

Thanks for all those compliments, nice to hear that you enjoyed the game. Good scores, too, especially the 33k.
Posted by Mephistex 25th March, 2006

Good, simple, fun game. Who would have thought forcing little blue and red dots to have sex would be so much fun?
Posted by The Chris Street 25th March, 2006

Those sprites in your avatar look familiar.
Posted by Joshtek 25th March, 2006

Oh noes. My score has been beaten!
Posted by MJK 26th March, 2006

Hehe, yes. The current lead score is already 36k - nice job.
Posted by MJK 26th March, 2006

I improved the hi-score list a bit. It shows now the top-50 of players instead of just top-17, so it's somewhat easier to get your name up there now.
Posted by Tomssuli 29th March, 2006

Posted by Kazuma 14th June, 2006

This is my favorite game on TDC so far.





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