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Player - mod size
Author: Zephni Submitted: 21st August, 2009 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 288

Edited By Zephni on 8/21/2009

This is a quick little example of how to make modable player/enemy sizes, with all collision detectors in place.
There is a tiny level for you to run around and test.
It uses alterable value movement.

In game you can change the height and width of the player, and it simply changes the values in a ini value. But then it runs through a function (actualy its a group) that sets its size and collision detectors up to work with its new size.

Its handy, for some reasons like, if you want different size enemys or if the player changes size. or if you want him to duck temporaily.

This was basicaly a test for myself but i think some people might be able to learn somthing by it or find it handy.


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