Edited By Zephni on 11/12/2010
(Just updated, it now comes packaged with a MMF file that will start you off making your game, by loading in the levels that you can make with the editor! & a 16x16 version)
Btw the array is saved like this:
using "," as a delimiter
tiles are saved as: Xtile,Ytile
objects are saved as: "object" - objectType - scriptName - graphic.ext
tile properties are saved as: "tile" - tilepropType
using " - " as a delimiter
And you thought i had gone forever! Well unlucky.
Ok, so... i have made alot of level editors, game creators, all that sort of crud, now i bring to you...
ZEPHNI'S 8bit & 16bit Level Editors!
Its full of win.
(This could be usefull for the console compo, look on daily click home page)
Its designed to make levels for a nes/snes resolution with a 256 x 240 display, and 8x8 tiles.
(update: now includes 16x16 version)
But you can also put objects in your levels and attach them to lua scripts if you feel like making a more complicated game with text dialogue and such.
It also has tile properties so you can add water and lava or death spots in your game.
Now the source IS included, so if you go to the group called saving/loading you can see how you can load the level in to your game, you could most probly copy paste most of the code with some tweaks to make it work with your game.
Ive include a tileset i just quickly did so you can get started, but if you want to make your own just put them in the tileset folder, and feel free to change the default one.
A new big thing = is that you can change your pen tool to select an area, and place tiles or remove tiles (left drag, right drag) with that area. which means you can make levels alot faster without placeing each individual tile.
So yeah, even if you dont want the level editor, theres some things this level editor can do that i havent seen much of, if atall in mmf before.
Hope you learn somthing from this, or make some awsum levels for your game, if you need some help il be more than happy.
Review This Download
http://www.zephni.com/downloads/Zephni%20-%20Level%20editors.zip (737 kkb )