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Travelling through art/Reizen door de kunst
Author: Hayo Submitted: 23rd May, 2010 Favourites:3
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 488

Edited By Hayo on 5/24/2010

This is not really interesting as a game as it's educational, in Dutch and the actual levels are cut off for legal reasons.

This is one of the end pieces I have to hand in for my degree of art teacher. The purpose of the "game" is give the students an interactive frame to learn art history.

What I give you is just a walk in the museum, to show the 3D stuff Matt Esch and I have been working on is real. The engine is based on the OpenGL extensions by Min, with additional extensions and coding by Matt.

I might translate and release the full thing in English but I am pretty sick of it right now. So for now just look at it as an engine demo.

Engine features:
- Fully 3D (capable of models but I used sprites because of lazyness)
- Realtime movable objects and terrain
- Easy to make maps using standard active objects in MMF

This engine is currently being reworked for Fishhead 3D and will be released as open source with the extension bundle.

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Posted by Jenswa 23rd May, 2010

That's it, just get rid of it!
Posted by Fanotherpg 24th May, 2010
Rated :

Hahaha nothing will beat the hidden picture outside of Museum Awesome work Hayo!
Posted by Fanotherpg 24th May, 2010
Rated :

And of course Matt Esch!
Posted by alastair john jack 24th May, 2010

How do I open the toilet doors?
Posted by UrbanMonk 24th May, 2010
Rated :

Love the skylights!

Pretty neat little demo!
Posted by Deaval 25th May, 2010

I love the engine and it's graphics! Really supreme.

Maybe you should've waited til' that translation before posting though.
Posted by Hayo 25th May, 2010

Nah, I'd rather work on Fishhead 3D.
Posted by PotatoCannon 26th May, 2010

yay!!! its out! going to download when i get home!!!!!
Posted by Jenswa 27th May, 2010

It's a pitty one cannot visit the toilets, perhaps a god-mode would do the trick?
Posted by nick_peoples 27th May, 2010

was this made in mmf2?
Posted by Guillermo (Cc) 28th May, 2010
Rated :

This is amazing! Pretty cool. As a big fan of retro FPS I can't wait for you to release the source hehe Also the idea and execution of the virtual museum is pretty clever.
Posted by Lazernaut 29th May, 2010

This was really great. My language is similar enough to Dutch for me to understand the basics of the text. Apart from that, I really like the atmosphere of this thing. It's very ..dunno the word, but it was made in a way so I wanted to be sure to check everything in the museum out. Too bad the levels weren't there because you made it so people playing this really wanted to go.





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