I just joined, and am helping my 12 year old son on his first major forays into programming with TGF.
But I am pretty old for this group. I bought KNP upon release, then TGF, then MMF (1.2) and have written many games in the past 14 years, which I will slowly post, maybe one a week?
The first waiting in the queue is a zero-gravity movement asteroids in 66 events in KNP...
My big wish is for a flash compiler for MMF so we could really put games on the web in a universal way.
I am happy to find a ClickCommunity which is active! Feel free to say hello.
14 years?? Are you sure your maths is correct? Especially since Klik and Play didn't come out until 1994
Only post the better games that you have created, if possible, to set yourself up as a respectable "newbie", so to speak, at The Daily Click.
Klik and Play is very old, maybe if you have any examples you should convert them to The Games Factory instead. The movement sounds interesting
MMF doesn't have a Flash compiler, but what you can do is to Vitalize your games so that, with a bit of HTML embedded code, you can feature them on your websites. Of course, you have to have Vitalize installed on your computer if the game is to run, but it comes with MMF and others can download it if their own browsers don't detect it.
Hello professor,
I'd say posting games slowly is definately a good idea. Some people post three games at once and that usually spreads the downloads very thin among them. (but they're often rubbish games when that happens anyway)
I hope you've got some gems waiting for us in your portfolio.
Thanks for the lovely welcome. OK only 11 years! I remember my 18 year old being a little younger when we wrote a few games together.
I had released a bunch of CCN's but nobody wanted to install Vitalize.
A Flash back-end could achieve very wide distribution of the entire community's portfolio, especially as flash moves to cellphones...
I will use MMF to rebuild the old games as standalone.
I submitted "onsteroids" yesterday but don't how long it will take for the Admins to vet it!
Deleted User
27th September, 2005 at 21:42:23 -
usually a day... admins stop you life and tend to ours!
OR he's gonna rain on your parade!...lol
I can't wait for more professor, not everyday you see sin/cos in KNP, or, ever. Actually I didn't even know it did those types of calculations.
thinking is like pong, it's easy, but you miss sometimes.
"My big wish is for a flash compiler for MMF so we could really put games on the web in a universal way"
well there is vitalize and i am rather sure there will never be a flash compiler for mmf. simply because flash is vectors and mmf is not and macromedia wont work together with clickteam. there are millions of reasons why something like that will never exist. but like i said there is vitalize so people can play your applications in their browser. whats great about flash? you can run it on every platform and thats why you want a flash compiler (oh i would love it as well if mac users could check out my applications. then i could finally do my design portfolio in mmf). BUT i have heard there will also be a mac version of mmf 2 so finally mac people can check out your applications as well. i am sure there is some emulator for linux (well there is already an emulator for mac and linux but you know what i mean. finally people that uses the big OS can run your application)
oh and in other news: i like your avatar. reminds me of mine