I am an atheist. I see no reason to prove that "God" doesn't exist. Since most religious people doesn't have to prove that he exist, they just have to strongly believe that he exists. I too strongly believe, that he doesn't.
The hardcore religious people who strictly follow their religion are just looking for somethng to base their life on, a reason to live. The american religious preachers, however, are really annoying (the ones that say things like "praise the lord" all the time) or the ones that claim faith is a healer, and 'heal' people are also quite stupid. But so are the people that go to things like that.
Also, religion causes war. It is altogether pointless, but many social groups around the world couldn't function without it. There would still be lots of fighting, but for a different reason.
I, myself, have been christened. However, I couldn't give a shit about religion as it's boring. And the stories in the bible are VERY crap. So, I'm atheist. I don't believe there was/is/ever will be a 'God', nor anybody who can do things like Jesus was supposed to do, unless evolution favours us and mutates our brains in such a way that we can send out psychokinetic waves. But there's very little chance that will ever happen, because humans suck.
I'm a Muslim, supposed to be enemies of Christians and Jews, but I don't really see it that way. Seems like they've forgot that Muslims, Christians, and Jews supposedly worship the same God, what with everything starting in Jerusalem, Middle East, etc.. but I'd rather not get into the details.
Religious wars are pointless, but like every other war out there, they're just there to show how devoted the warriors are, their bravery, their honor, their strength.. and most of all, it's an excuse to beat someone up and take their money.
Anyway, a lot of the points atheists point out only seem to apply to certain religions. Islam has plenty of logical and scientific evidence to be taken literally (ie. no twisty rhymes and stuff), though I don't believe a lot of the more contradictory stuff the clerics make up.
There's no real evidence pointing out that God exist, but neither is there any real evidence pointing out that it doesn't. After all, the Big Bang theory shows that the universe has a start, but was there some Greater Being out there who started it all? And if God is an all powerful being, I think he'd care about us more like a father would care for a child. In other words, none of that crap about us being tortured for years and our eyes being gouged out just for looking at extramaritial nudity.
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
After all, the Big Bang theory shows that the universe has a start, but was there some Greater Being out there who started it all? http://www.talkorigins.org/indexcc/CI/CI200.html Claim CI200:
Every event has a cause. The universe itself had a beginning, so it must have had a first cause, which must have been a creator God.
Craig, W. L., 1994. Reasonable Faith: Christian truth and apologetics, Crossway Books, Wheaton IL.
Morris, Henry M., 1974. Scientific Creationism, Green Forest, AR: Master Books, pp. 19-20.
1. The assumption that every event has a cause, although common in our experience, is not necessarily universal. The apparent lack of cause for some events, such as radioactive decay, suggests that there might be exceptions. There are also hypotheses, such as alternate dimensions of time or an eternally oscillating universe, that allow a universe without a first cause.
2. By definition, a cause comes before an event. If time began with the universe, "before" does not even apply to it, and it is logically impossible that the universe be caused.
3. This claim raises the question of what caused God. If, as some claim, God does not need a cause, then by the same reasoning, neither does the universe.
Lukas Hägg - Polluted Genius that "strongly believe that he exists" is called faith..
Muz I said the same Muslims Jews Christians believe in one god so in theory we should be one religion.. and don't fight and hate each other.. It's just silly...
Muz I said the same Muslims Jews Christians believe in one god so in theory we should be one religion.. and don't fight and hate each other.. It's just silly...
No, cause jews and muslims cut the skin off little boy's peepees!
- Ok, you must admit that was the most creative cussing this site have ever seen -
Although I beleive that the bible has good moral teachings, I don't see any reason to worship it's characters. I'm athiest, I grew up in a christian family and decided I was an athiest last year.
If God has "always existed", then there is no cause. But the universe has not always existed, therefore there's a chance that a God created it. Whatever the truth, it's probably beyond what we can prove, so the best thing to do is to have faith, believe in whatever you decide to. That's why it's called faith... because you chose to believe in something despite evidence proving otherwise.
Either way, religion is what's kept me from sex, alcohol, and stealing 1 GB RAM when I get the chance. 'Thinking that God will do things for me' really wipes out my stress level and the fact that it (seems to) work actually strengthens my faith. So, whether or not God really exists, doing what my religion tells me to do is actually a good thing .
Tradition is bad in a lot of ways. It's a way to make a religion 'more spiritual' by adding rituals, etc, and after a few hundred years, a lot of those rituals tend to have nothing at all to do with the religion.
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.