Del Duio he probably was in his element, Ive seen loads of stuff where he goes diving in the ocean with a scary excited look in his eyes. He went hunting for sea snakes once
By a route obscure and lonely,
Haunted by ill angels only,
Where an Eidolon, named night,
On a black throne reigns upright,
I have reached these lands but newly
From an ultimate dim Thule
From a wild clime that lieth, sublime,
Out of space
Out of time.
I never was a huge fan of his documentaries, but the guy was classic. I didn't believe it when I heard... I dunno, I just felt like the guy was immortal. We have lost an icon, but he died doing what he loved.
RIP, Mr. Irwin
You shouldn't go here, there are crazy swedes who mumble about cucumbers:
Hey, wikipedia has a 'recent vandalism' block on stingrays that wasn't there yesterday.
Personally, I'd rather die a quick, glorious death than to die with a disease, heart attack, or cancer. At least he died instantly, not being bloated by snake venom or with his neck being slowly torn off by a croc or anything. Personally, I'd rather die of assassination. Shows that someone cares enough to throw away their future for mine .
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
For some weird reason I imagined him trying to cuddle the stingray...
Assault Andy Administrator
I make other people create vaporware
Registered 29/07/2002
Points 5686
6th September, 2006 at 08:50:11 -
I read recently there is video footage of Irwin being stabbed and then pulling out the barb, moments before he dies. It is under the control of the police now, and will be destroyed so that nobody will ever be able to see it again. One person who saw it said they never wanted to see it again.