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Knudde (Shab)



Has Donated, Thank You!Clickzine StaffKlikCast StarVIP MemberGhostbuster!Dos Rules!I donated an open source project
3rd May, 2008 at 10:16:51 -

It's been a long long time since I've played a game with boss fights that I REALLY liked. Considering I'm an FPS fan, bosses are usually just some asshat who can take 100 headshots, which is made of suck. Even Hitman fell victim to this once in the first game. Granted, I've found a few bosses that were worthy of the title. I was quite surprised that there were actual bosses in Doom 3, and while they weren't the greatest (Like Sarge, he's a Megaman Boss in disguise) they were at least fun. Now that I think about it Geist for the Gamecube had some really cool boss fights as well, but those were hampered by lifebars and recharging enemies (I just blew off your leg statue! How dare you materialize a new one!)

The Metroid series usually has some decent boss fights, but I find the newer the game the less interesting the boss fights are. I mean, they're full of style, but not a whole lot of substance. I hated the Nightmare fight in Fusion, Nightmare never really did much except hover there and shoot beams and swoop at me occasionally. Besides taking off 50 life per hit, he didn't do anything interesting. Then again, I've heard people talk about how hard he is, and I beat him quite easily, so I'm wondering if there are a few attacks of his he never got around to using on me.

Craps, I'm an old man!


Megaman Fosho

3rd May, 2008 at 11:37:06 -

resident evil 4 had some kool boos battles (i think)
like that one guy who crawled on the ceiling.
i forgoet his name, but he was awsome

Your just jealous that you're not as awesome as me.
(And my megaman avatar )


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Candy Cane
3rd May, 2008 at 14:34:46 -

Id say some of the bosses from Noitu Love 2, but my save file just totally vanished so screw that



Evil Faker

3rd May, 2008 at 14:53:39 -

Most boring would have to go to Yiazmat in FFXII.

Most innovative I'd give to Psycho Mantis from Metal Gear Solid.

Also James: I beat Argorok the first time I ever played Zelda TP without sustaining any damage.

My signature is never too big!!!


Awesome Sauce


Game of the Week WinnerSilverNova MemberKlikCast StarVIP Member
3rd May, 2008 at 19:36:41 -

Originally Posted by -Adam-
Id say some of the bosses from Noitu Love 2, but my save file just totally vanished so screw that

When you save make a few copies of the save file in the Noitu Love 2 folder >_>. I'm on my second run through with one of the unlockable characters, the last boss was hard before!



4th May, 2008 at 11:42:27 -

I'd vote for Argorok too. It wasn't that hard but that whole scene was awesome. Probably because the Sky Temple was a bit crap. Jumping on its back felt very Shadow of the Colossus. Speaking of which.. surprised no one's mentioned it yet. Helloooo?




VIP MemberPS3 OwnerI like Aliens!I'm a Storm TrooperIt's-a me, Mario!I am an April FoolPicture Me This Round 48 Winner!
4th May, 2008 at 22:37:23 -

I did mention Shadow of the colossus Nim.

All your base are in another castle, take this.




Game of the Week WinnerYou've Been Circy'd!
5th May, 2008 at 01:07:34 -

The first Noitu Love game had some great bosses, but the bosses in the second game are quite meh. Sure, they look huge and scary, but they're let down by huge gaping blind-spots and boring, repetitive attack patterns. Then again, I've only played the demo, so I don't know if it picks up after where the demo ends.

Lyle in Cube Sector's first two bosses are really fun, but the final boss is too easy to beat once you learn its attack/movement pattern =(


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