Kevin Smets!
Your Future Fantasy game, the Third, was one of the first games I tried from the Click Community, and i loved it! You just don't forget things like that!
Unfortunetly I couldn't find any of the other games. I downloaded that remake you made of the First, and the Third was merely a demo. I never so much as heard a mutter from the Second. What's the deal with that?
What's going on here? Honestly, horrifyingly litlle. It's starting to appear more and more Bye- topics and less Hello- ones. I know people have said the click community is dying for a long time, but this is the first time you can actually watch it bleed
I think the problem is that clicking simply doesn't appeal to the younger generation anymore. In other words, Click and Play has become significantly less Click, and no Play at all. The people clicking appeals to today is so old they either become tired quickly, or immedietly move on to a superior language. Add that to the ever so present anti- n00b policy, and voila: well, just look around.
But enough of my senseless pladder. You made some really great, memoriable games on Click and Play. Surely you should be proud of your accomplishments!