We had to restart so many times during rolling creshendo events and in the finales, and I'm not new to these kind of games. Funnily enough the most tense (IMO) campaign, Hard Rain is a cake walk. It never gets too difficult on that campaign. Even the finale is easy.
The Parish's finale is one of the best moments in gaming ever mygod.
Loved the Dark Carnival finale, and the campaign in general actually. I'm still shit at it though, getting slightly better. Only two of us (CPU players) managed to survive the DC finale, the other two were getting bummed by a Tank as I jumped on the helicopter.
I don't know if it's the unfamiliarity of the levels compared to knowing the L4D1 levels back to front, but the whole thing just seems much more tense, especially the finales.
The finales really are tougher, hordes come from all directions now and they sometimes spawn 2 Tanks at once. Plus you can't camp in corners thanks to the Spitter. Haven't played a campaign yet where everyone survived (which is good, the reason why I run in L4D1 is because the standard game is way too easy).
Yeah, I've just played Hard Rain and died 4 times in the finale, with two Tanks spawning just as the boat arrived, fortunately Nick held them off while the other three of us escaped! I counted 5 Tanks on that finale, but I did discover that Boomer Bile works well on Tanks though, keeps them preoccupied while you can concentrate on escaping.
UPDATE: I finished the rest of the campaigns now. Had a lot of trouble on The Parish finale, took about 6 attempts and a shitload of running with only two of us escaping.
So the L4D2 SDK was released today. Wonder how long it will take to port the L4D1 campaigns into it? The Spitters gonna make No Mercy decent for the infected team, fo sho.
btw. anyone achieve "nothing special" yet? if so what map did you do it on and how exactly did you do it? me and a couple guys have been trying on blood harvest forever. we can get to the finale but the bots always fuck it up. for some reason the cpus spawn out of the closets automatically when the finale starts.