Originally Posted by AndyUK not as simple as that, i want to know what features are included before I actually make a game that supports them. If you get what I mean.
The TDC Arcade won't be supporting any live multiplayer or co-op as far as I know, so no OINC or MOO. You won't be able to save files or anything either, especially since it's Vitalize. Imagine you were making a game for a cabinet arcade machine like Galaga or Pole Position, only with more graphic options and no high-score tables (those are built into the arcade itself).
That would really not be a good idea since the whole point is for a quick arcade fix to earn more points then the guy before you. When you see the Arcade I think you will know what we mean
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Yeah. Challenger A could password their way to the last level and get a high score from killing the final boss, while Challenger B spends more time playing, but only gets to level 3 and doesn't nail those bonus points from the boss.
Actually, though, I don't see why a password system would hurt if (and only if) the scoring system penalizes you for starting from a later level. On the other hand, though, this would require games with passwords to be checked on a case-by-case basis, which may not be the most handy thing for the quality-checkers.
The basic requirements at the moment are as follows:
• Games must be ideally within 640x480, some exceptions may be made
• All music/graphics/resources must be internal, e.g. no use of the DirectX extension to play mp3s
• Extensions are limited to those supported under Vitalize for MMF2 (Older extensions, e.g. Direction Calc for MMF 1.2/1.5 may not be converted for MMF): http://www.clickteam.com/epicenter/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=63860#Post63860
• Size should be kept down if possible, limit is around 10mb when compiled as a ccn file, but please keep in mind that large downloads may discourage players
• There must be no cheat systems, or systems that allow players to illegally increase their scores
• No JavaScript may be used
The following parameters are provided and can be retrieved by accessing the environment variables:
• "user" : Display name of player, for personalisation
• "score1" : top score
• "score2" : 2nd score
• "score3" : 3rd score.. etc, for the top 10 scores
• "shigh" : Highest Score
• "savg" : Average Score
We'll insert frames at the start, and end of the game for the two frames needed for the arcade
Please make sure you let us know where to retrieve the final score from, ideally this should be stored in Score of Player 1, this can be set at the end of the level if you're using a counter, for example
Intro screens should ideally be skippable, as the game is typically restarted once the score is submitted
And of course, we're always happy to take ideas into account, if there's anything you'd like to see, and features you'd enjoy, let us know
Could there be an option for other variables to be stored with a player's high score? For example, in games that let you choose from different characters, it would be neat if the player's chosen character appeared next to their score. This would also open the door for some interesting statistics about players, since game makers can track common features among the top scorers of their games (for example, if everyone on the top 10 scores is using the same character, or if a large number of players died at a particular level).
Also, you might want to take racing games into account, where players who have the lowest score (time) are ranked better than those who have a higher score. Although I guess if you wanted to be clever about that, the score could start at a predetermined value and then decrease as time increases.
hmmm, now to figure out how to get the mods i'm using as music internal I read that as long as you upload the external mod files in the same dir as the ccn it can play them?
ok cool, the mfa I sent you has a mod player by josh whelchel that is vitalized as far as i'm aware (if not please correct me!) but I forgot to send you the actual mod files the game uses...resending!
Originally Posted by Rhys D hmmm, now to figure out how to get the mods i'm using as music internal I read that as long as you upload the external mod files in the same dir as the ccn it can play them?
It's definitely possible to internally store mods without supplying them in an extra directory.
With MMF2 you can open .mod files and play them as if you were playing a sample. Then in the properties of your application you would select "include external files"