Posted By
Registered 14/06/2010
Points 45
5th January, 2011 at 19:13:08 -
I already know how to do stuff like that and with a better method for it. What I don't know how to do properly is the damn boundary box, look in the video, notice how it moves and sometimes doens't Everyone forget about the freakin text, it means nothing to me. Read Jon Lambert's post.
Registered 04/12/2008
Points 1110
5th January, 2011 at 19:54:51 -
iz sum1 getin mad?
Registered 14/06/2010
Points 45
5th January, 2011 at 20:57:20 -
For nobody being able to grasp something not even remotely complex, yes >_>. Has anyone here ever actually played the SonicAdvance series ?
Registered 04/12/2008
Points 1110
6th January, 2011 at 14:01:05 -
I have.
They're pretty garbage and suffer greatly from terrible level design.
Anyways, while what you are trying to do is relatively simple, it is very subtle and hard to see especially in a video that runs at 24fps or less.
Edited by GamesterXIII
Registered 14/06/2010
Points 45
6th January, 2011 at 16:39:29 -
This should help show how it works in the advance series.
Registered 04/12/2008
Points 1110
6th January, 2011 at 16:46:49 -
In that video it works exactly how I said before ?_? The camera makes the same movements as sonic just shortly after he makes them. I see what you're saying about the boundary box, but it looks like you've finished?
Edited by GamesterXIII
Registered 14/06/2010
Points 45
7th January, 2011 at 21:16:33 -
No, it doesn't. It is nothing like AI. You obviously don't know how it works then.
Registered 04/12/2008
Points 1110
7th January, 2011 at 22:48:46 -
You're pretty much an idiot.
I didn't say its exactly like the AI, but the camera DOES make the same movements as Sonic - they are just delayed like I said, and have a boundary like you said. If you can't fathom how those two (SAV camera and tails movement) are fairly similar or how you can adapt one into the other then someone needs to help you or you should quit using clickteam products all together. You don't deserve help, and I won't be surprised if nobody helps you next time you post anything.
PS: Nobody wants to play garbage SoNiC tHe HeDgEhOg: Advance Rush Adventure 7 fangames.
Edited by GamesterXIII
Duncan Thelonious Dunc
Registered 18/05/2002
Points 552
8th January, 2011 at 21:47:58 -
What I usually do is always > centre display at object