The Daily Click ::. Forums ::. Misc Chat ::. Do you believe in God?

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Wii OwnerIt's-a me, Mario!Mushroom
6th July, 2011 at 23:46:34 -

To be truthful I want to argue with you, as I have plently of responses(especially to that last bit.) But after a typed that last post, I had to go to town. On the way to town I was thinking to myself; hmm I wonder his reply will be this time. Then I kinda stopped; Why I am getting so steamy from some guy off the internet I don't even know? Why am I continually locking myself in a never ending arguement with someone who will not conform his thoughts; and nor will I? What's the point of argueing? We've been argueing for 2 maybe 3 days? So I decided that I'm gonna do the mature thing.

I'm done. There is no point in this. We are both adults, yet we are bickering like children. We both beleive and don't beleive what we choose, and we've reached a point in our lives when that will not change for anything. When Boothman first created this topic he hoped it off being a friendly opinion thread; yet we have both gone as far as to even to personal on one another based on preferences; along with more broader general attacks. The Daily Click community has slowly been turning into a hostile enviroment. Possibly one reason why we don't see as many new recruits showing up? We have both been members of the site for a fair amount of time, and probably contributed quite a bit back in they day, and have contributed greatly during our time here. Yet, when new clickers get on this topic and see us acting like five year olds fighting over toys; what will they think?

Anyhow, I'm done, if you feel as though you must persist, please TDC mail me instead of filling this 35 page thread. Nowone is gonna win, that's how it is. I'm sure others will claim that I'm doing this only because I don't have a response, let them think that if they want. As I said I have quite a few. But I tire of this pointless struggle bound to go nowhere.





VIP MemberEvil klikerGame Of The Week Winner
7th July, 2011 at 00:50:32 -

Originally Posted by Wiiman
To be truthful I want to argue with you, as I have plently of responses(especially to that last bit.) But after a typed that last post, I had to go to town. On the way to town I was thinking to myself; hmm I wonder his reply will be this time. Then I kinda stopped; Why I am getting so steamy from some guy off the internet I don't even know? Why am I continually locking myself in a never ending arguement with someone who will not conform his thoughts; and nor will I? What's the point of argueing? We've been argueing for 2 maybe 3 days? So I decided that I'm gonna do the mature thing.

I'm done. There is no point in this. We are both adults, yet we are bickering like children. We both beleive and don't beleive what we choose, and we've reached a point in our lives when that will not change for anything. When Boothman first created this topic he hoped it off being a friendly opinion thread; yet we have both gone as far as to even to personal on one another based on preferences; along with more broader general attacks. The Daily Click community has slowly been turning into a hostile enviroment. Possibly one reason why we don't see as many new recruits showing up? We have both been members of the site for a fair amount of time, and probably contributed quite a bit back in they day, and have contributed greatly during our time here. Yet, when new clickers get on this topic and see us acting like five year olds fighting over toys; what will they think?

Anyhow, I'm done, if you feel as though you must persist, please TDC mail me instead of filling this 35 page thread. Nowone is gonna win, that's how it is. I'm sure others will claim that I'm doing this only because I don't have a response, let them think that if they want. As I said I have quite a few. But I tire of this pointless struggle bound to go nowhere.

I'm sorry you felt like I was being negative and bickering with you, I wasn't. I didn't assume you were being negative or bickering either. For some reason I don't get why when people argue it always seems like they are imagining the opposite party is sitting there with a knife and pitchfork swearing at the top of their lungs as they are pounding ferociously on the keyboard. I wasn't trying to be hostile, I'm sorry you took it that way, and I'm sorry you got 'steamed' about it, I can assure you, I wasn't.

"We both beleive and don't beleive what we choose, and we've reached a point in our lives when that will not change for anything."
Don't throw me in the same boat as you. I'm constantly changing who I am and what I consider relevant. If you want to live in a box, be my guest, the most I can do is offer you a different way of looking at things.

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God's God


Game of the Week WinnerKlikCast StarAlien In Training!VIP Member360 OwnerWii OwnerSonic SpeedThe Cake is a LieComputerChristmas Tree!
I am an April Fool
11th July, 2011 at 18:44:33 -

Rational idea's cannot be understood by those with irrational thought processes about an acquired faith that they're convinced is the only possible truth.

If light shining through a glass of wine is red, and everyone else is convinced the light is blue... there's no way you can convince them that the light is red if they refuse to accept that the glass is full wine and not Kool-Aid.

Edited by Silveraura


  25/03/2018 18:10:38
28th May, 2018 at 28/05/2018 21:32:18 -

Originally Posted by Matt Boothman
The thread title is the question I am posing.

Do you believe in God? Or to put it a slightly different way, do you believe there is 'something else'.

I am having a bit of internal doubt and wondering about stuff (nature of the world, meaning of 'God', afterlife and probability thereof).

Let's have a bit of adult debate; no "Christians are stupid" and no "atheists are going to hell" business.

So this is a old thread.
I personally don't believe in god.
my family is agnostic so yeah.
I've celebrated Jewish/Christian traditions with friend's and it's fun.
I have had full respect for people who go to churches, synagogues, mosks.

Funny thing I've never went to these holy area's that were newer then the 1800's cool this is a funny weird story about religion.

So I was in kindergarden quite young. Around 6, so I and some friends are playing. Some stuff happens then a friend mentions god and how he saved his mom from a shark attack. So as the young mind I had I filled in the god and until I was around 9 I thought "god" was a lifegaurd. Another story was some Jewish kids made me frightened of "adonai" which if translated to english is god They said some stuff and he was born of a eye and I was pretty scared of that but still had no idea.

- Not a pinetree but a TreePine


Peace & Love


29th May, 2018 at 29/05/2018 11:18:11 -

God exists!





Has Donated, Thank You!Little Pirate!ARGH SignKliktober Special Award TagPicture Me This Round 33 Winner!The Outlaw!VIP MemberHasslevania 2!I am an April FoolKitty
Picture Me This Round 32 Winner!Picture Me This Round 42 Winner!Picture Me This Round 44 Winner!Picture Me This Round 53 Winner!
29th May, 2018 at 29/05/2018 16:24:21 -

Wow this thread is only 7 years old. I thought it was a lot longer ago than that.



  25/03/2018 18:10:38
29th May, 2018 at 29/05/2018 22:37:50 -

Originally Posted by Yai7
God exists!

- Not a pinetree but a TreePine




Has Donated, Thank You!Little Pirate!ARGH SignKliktober Special Award TagPicture Me This Round 33 Winner!The Outlaw!VIP MemberHasslevania 2!I am an April FoolKitty
Picture Me This Round 32 Winner!Picture Me This Round 42 Winner!Picture Me This Round 44 Winner!Picture Me This Round 53 Winner!
30th May, 2018 at 30/05/2018 17:27:23 -

Someone should get a better camera to photograph him with.


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